Seeing that his son with autism sent letters to himself for his birthday, he asked for help: he received more than 20,000 letters!

Having a child with autism spectrum disorder is not easy. Having autism spectrum disorder is not easy. It is not, in either case, because this disorder affects the way a person relates to their environment, to others, and makes it may be difficult to have friends.

In fact, even when a child with autism manages to make friends, the relationship is not easy, because they do not have the same social skills as the rest and a friendship usually requires trust, time, complicity, dialogue and empathy, among other things.

That's why when the mother of Ollie he discovered that he had written two letters to congratulate his birthday He felt his heart break. This was explained on Facebook, where he made his request. And people responded in the best possible way: Ollie received more than 20,000 letters congratulating him on his birthday, and even an XBOX.

Ollie's 15th birthday

In Babies and more We don't usually talk about young people over 12 years old, but this time we wanted to do it for two reasons: to show that there are good people in the world (We all know it, but sometimes it's worth seeing to keep believing), and to show that children with autism spectrum disorder, despite having difficulties to show affection, to interact with others, they also need affection and they also need people in their environment to understand them and share time, space, hobbies, etc. with them.

It was the day Ollie turned 15 and his mother saw that he had written two letters to himself, to congratulate his birthday, because he didn't expect anyone to do it. When he discovered this he felt so sorry for his son that he commented on Facebook, asking people that, if they had a moment, if they wanted to, send a congratulation to your son.

Soon he began to receive hundreds of letters and gifts

From all over the world Ollie began to receive hundreds of cards, messages and gifts, totally exceeding the expectations of Karen, the boy's mother. Even Someone sent an XBOX from Saudi Arabia.

The phone did not stop ringing either, with calls from people who wanted to congratulate Ollie and send him love.

As we read in Daily Mail, the first day about 50 congratulations arrived. She just expected them to send a few, and it would have been enough and thanked. When she saw that they were starting to arrive she was very excited and felt very grateful for the detail.

In fact, as he read the congratulations, he realized that many people also sent affection to her, explaining that they also had a son with autism, for example, or that they were living closely by another relative.

Now he jokes explaining that it will take at least a year to open them all, and that is that at home they are a small family formed by Karen, his son Ollie and his dog.

As a curiosity, to say that it is estimated that the Queen of England receives about 17,000 letters every year, for her birthday ... Ollie has overcome it thanks to the love of the people.

Video: 12-Year-Old Girl Sneezes 12,000 Times a Day: 'Kids Make Fun of Me' (July 2024).