How to promote autonomy in children with fun tasks by ages, inspired by the Montessori board

Promoting the autonomy of our children since they are young is key for them to learn to do things for themselves, and become children with self-confidence and independent.

Montessori philosophy highlights this feature in the education of children, believes that promoting autonomy in children is essential so that they can grow as happy people. If we do everything for them, we do not allow them to grow, instead doing small "jobs", always according to their stage of development, they are acquiring small responsibilities that they are already able to assume, thus strengthening their self-esteem.

Montessori inspired task chart

Some time ago we shared a table with the tasks that a child can perform at each age inspired by the Montessori philosophy. Obviously it is from another era and does not imply that children have to do all these tasks. It is simply a guide to the type of tasks that children could perform when they reach a certain age. However, there we see tasks that nobody wants their children to do like cleaning the dust from the baseboards with two or three years, right?

Therefore, we bring you some tasks inspired by this table, which are fun for the little ones. If they do "work" that motivates them, they will do it with pleasure and they will feel good to be able to collaborate at home. Always leading them, but without directing. It is not about forcing them, nor of course forcing them to do all the tasks, but promote autonomy with everyday tasks that can be entertaining.

In Babies and more, let them be autonomous: the Montessori-inspired table to find out what tasks they can do at each age

Fun tasks to encourage children's autonomy

At 2-3 years

  • Pick up the toys: It can be fun if we propose it as a game. For example, you can use an hourglass or a stopwatch and set a time to collect toys. It is important for this to have an organized storage area so that the child knows what toy to place in each place.

  • Put the clothes to wash: We can show you that if something has been stained, those pants or that shirt are not stored in the closet, but rather placed in a laundry basket.

  • Help set the table: always according to your age, you can collaborate by taking the individual, salt or napkins, things that do not involve any risk but that make you feel participant of the moment.

  • Throw things in the trash: We started teaching them to classify the different types of garbage at home. The paper goes in a container, the containers in another and the organic ones in a special bucket. The classification game is very fun for them and once they learn it, they follow it closely.

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At 4-5 years

  • Feed the pets: If you have a pet at home, it is positive for them to be partakers of their care, including food. Always try to be safe for the child.

  • Collect dried leaves from the garden: If you have a garden at home, a super fun plan in which children can collaborate is to remove the dry leaves that fall from the trees when autumn comes. In addition, contact with nature is very positive for children, they can classify the leaves by shapes and colors and use them to make crafts. You can even leave a sector of the garden where they are not collected so that children can play.

  • Dressing alone: at this age they already have the basic skills to dress alone. It is fun if we motivate them every day to choose their clothes, they can even do it with games, riddles or following an order (first the socks and underwear, then the shirt, etc.)

  • Wipe the table: After picking up the table, the child can be in charge of the final cleaning by wiping.

  • Search for products in the supermarket: When you go shopping with your child, make him a participant in the purchase. Ask him to put three apples in a bag or look for his favorite cheese, for example.

  • Put the purchase on the super tape: What you like most when making the purchase, place the products on the conveyor belt. They can help with lighter things.

At 6-7 years

  • Watering plants: Children love nature and if you have plants at home you will surely have to pour water from time to time.

  • Pick up your room: Five minutes a day is enough for the "game" to pick up your room. It is their space and it is important that they learn to have it clean and tidy.

  • Stretch the bed: It is a good habit that when you get up you make your bed minimally by stretching the sheets a little and arranging the pillow. It is a simple gesture that will hardly take time.

  • Cook together: for children it is a great plan to cook with dad and mom, in addition to the benefits it has for them to do it (better food, creativity, spend time together, etc.), so everyone in the kitchen!

  • Separate laundry from laundry: classifying between white clothes and colored clothes is an entertaining task in which they can also collaborate.

In Babies and more13 tips to promote autonomy in children
  • Place and remove dishwasher dishes: at home it has always been a custom: the table is collected and each one places his plate in the dishwasher. Then removing the dishes and storing them is also entertaining if we collaborate with everyone. It is key that the plates and the glasses are at an accessible height for all.

  • Wash the dishes: With a stool to reach the sink comfortably, children are often attracted to clean the dishes. From time to time, it is something they can do.

From 8 years

  • Go buy bread: Whenever you live in a safe environment and the bakery is close, from 9 or 10 years (depending on the maturity of each child and according to your own criteria, each child is different), you can go for bread.

  • Lower or take out the trash: Whenever it is close to the perimeter of the house and is safe, they can take the classified garbage and throw it in its corresponding container.

  • Help in the garden: gardening works can be very entertaining and also learn basic notions of biology, botany, science ... If you have a garden at home, your child is an ally for your care.

  • Vacuum and wash the car: When I was little I had a lot of fun cleaning family cars. I liked to see them bright. He always offered to do it, and he also received a reward.

  • Clean the house: It does not mean putting them to scrub the whole house as a routine, but they can collaborate by cleaning glass or passing a mop from time to time. Some day of the weekend, for example, when you do general cleaning at home, everyone collaborates. Play music and it can even become a fun family routine.

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Video: Montessori School Education (July 2024).