Alex writes to Obama so that Omran lives in his house: children mobilize for the victims of Syria more than their governments

Omran was five years old when his picture shocked, scared, sitting inside an ambulance and covered in blood traveled the world. Omran is another of the thousands of victims that is taking over the Syrian war.

But Omran has made a friend in the United States even if he doesn't know, his name is Alex, he is about the same age as him and He has written to the president of his country, Barak Obama, to ask him if it is possible for Omran to live with him and his family.

Children mobilize for the victims of Syria more than their own governments. Children give us lessons again and again and we strive to never learn.

It was Barak Obama who shared on his Facebook wall the letter sent to him by Alex, a New York boy, in which he requested that Omran could go live with his family.

This past Tuesday Obama talked about solidarity and suffering in the first summit that has been dedicated to refugees in the history of the UN.

The other world leaders put face to be listening to the president of the United States but who really showed that he understands what solidarity is a child like Omnran who has taken a step forward to offer his help and that of his family.

The look of a child

Omran's lost gaze on that ambulance, touching the blood on his head and trying to clean his hand in the seat should have shaken us all but it hasn't been.

Alex saw that look and it was he who has videotaped himself reading his letter to Obama, as he has been asked from the White House, to that his voice, the voice of a child, be the one that sounds on social networks, be the one we all hear.

In the hours that the video posted on Facebook has already exceeded three million visits and has generated more than 100,000 reactions, including likes and comments. It is significant, but it is not enough.

Dear President Obama

Thus Alex began his letter and became again the voice of the conscience of millions of citizens, a conscience asleep but hopefully wake up as soon as possible.

Dear President Obama,
Do you remember the boy who picked up an ambulance in Syria? Can you please find it and bring it to our house?

Park in the street and we will all be waiting with flags, flowers and balloons. We will give him a family and he will be our brother. Catherine, my little sister, will hunt butterflies and fireflies for him.

In my school, I have a friend who is from Syria, Omar. I will introduce you to Omar and we can play all together. We will invite you to birthday parties and he will teach us another language. We can teach you English, as we did with my Japanese friend Aoto.

Please tell him that Alex will be his brother, who is a very kind boy, like him.

As he will not bring toys, because he has none, Catherine will share with him his blue teddy, I will lend him my bicycle and teach him how to use it.

I will teach him to add and subtract and he will be able to use Catherine's green penguin, which does not let anyone touch.

Thank you very much, I am looking forward to your arrival

Alex 6 years

Video: Car Concerns Radio USA! Special Guest Myron Stokes of Global HeavyLift Holdings Spreaker (July 2024).