How to stimulate the baby's senses in its first months

As we have commented on other occasions, humans are born with all our very immature systems and it is, over the months, that they develop. That also includes baby's senses (sight, smell, touch ...) that, although they begin to develop in mom's womb, it will not be until she begins to receive all external stimuli that enter fully functioning.

Through the stimuli you provide to your baby, either through the play, cuddling or talking to him, you will reinforce their correct development and, in addition, it will also be a way for them to relate to you and everything around them.

Early stimulation

Stimulation of the baby's senses begins in the womb, since during pregnancy eyesight, taste, touch, hearing and smell begin to develop. It is not surprising, since for 9 months he has been in mom's belly floating in the amniotic fluid and receiving different stimuli, not only from his parents but also from his surroundings.

The baby receives the first stimuli, such as sounds, smells and flavors, in mom's belly

Having well developed senses is also a survival issue. Knowing how to recognize the mother to be able to claim food and feel protected, another basic need of babies, is one of the main functions.

Talk to the baby, play music during pregnancy or caress the belly Mom, are some actions that your baby will notice and have a very positive influence on their development. In turn, we are making him familiar with the environment. When they are born, babies are able to recognize their loved ones, especially mom, thanks to all these stimuli that has been received from abroad. It recognizes its smell and its voice and this allows it, at the same time, to recognize it also through touch, since all the senses are closely related.

In the case of sight, newborns see more clearly those objects that are about 20 or 30 centimeters away This is no accident, since it is the distance between the faces of dad and mom when they take him in his arms. As for taste, its receptors, located on the tongue and palate, are formed by the fourth month of gestation. And it is in mom's belly that she begins to receive the first taste sensations through the amniotic fluid and to show your preference for sweet flavors.

At home with mom and dad

After birth, the new family member is prepared to capture other type of stimuli that will make you mature at all levels. If we refer to the senses, these can be stimulated by very simple and natural way. The simple fact of being with mom and dad is a great encouragement for them.

For example, place your baby next to you, skin to skin, it is a good practice because will recognize you by your smell, your voice and your caresses, and that will comfort and reassure you, remembering the months that were in your womb. Take advantage of these moments to talk to him and sing to him, give some gentle massage and try to establish eye contact with your baby. It is a way to create special links.

Physical contact with your loved ones is one of the best stimuli you can provide your baby

If you breastfeed your baby, through your milk is receiving gustatory stimuli. Breast milk changes flavor according to the foods the mother has eaten, so that from a very young age, babies can already have their favorite dishes. When you start the complementary feeding, the little one will begin to develop his taste buds discovering all the flavors, textures and sensations That can provide you with food. Let it touch, taste, experiment and enjoy with food.

When I am older you can perform different games. In the case of smell, for example, you can play to try to discover and recognize characteristic aromas, such as a lemon, mint leaves, a rose ... You can do it with your eyes covered, thus creating a moment of concentration in which smell is the most important. Cover your eyes with your little hands or a handkerchief and play disappear from sight is something babies love.

5 senses, a necessity

Sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell. There are five senses that a priori do not seem related, but that they are. And more in the case of newborns, since during their first months of life all your senses They are working to satisfy their basic needs of food, protection and comfort.

All this is key so that, little by little, your baby adapts to the environment and develops at a psychic and intellectual level. It is also the way to provide emotional security, thanks to which he will develop his personality.

To meet that need and demand of your baby, whenever you can try to stimulate his senses by doing some of the things we have told you: say things, play with him, caress, hug him ... It is important that the baby is near you whenever possible, so that I can see you and feel that you are by his side. It is also a good way to stimulate your senses on a daily basis and have you participate in the family life.

In the moments when he is relaxed, you can take his hand and play with your fingers, performing small massages and caresses, so that you discover new sensations and begin to recognize new parts of your body. You can do the same with the feet, the face, the head ... Play also using a toy sound or texture, causing him to caress and interact with him.

When you do these exercises, try to find a quiet environment for both of you, and place the baby so that he feels comfortable and relaxed. He ergonomic armchair Comfy Nest of Chicco is very comfortable and with a reclining that provides them with a correct posture to help reduce reflux In the first months of life. The surface of Comfy Nest is covered with a viscoelastic foam to adapt 100% to the baby's body.

The baby stimulation From the first weeks of pregnancy it is key to its development. Cradling them, singing to them, caressing them and practicing small visual games, among others, are small actions that you can perform frequently so that they also feel protected and cared for.

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Photos | iStock: Nick_Thompson / gpointstudio / Solovyova