The incredible pregnancy of a baby who went through the uterus with his legs

I know that today is December 28 and that you most likely think that this post is a joke, but no, it is not. On December 22 the magazine The New England Journal of Medicine He published an article explaining a curious case, very curious, because of the danger of the event, and because both the mother and the baby are in good health: the baby went through his mother's womb with his legs.

Five previous caesarean sections

Surely you will be wondering how it could happen. Well, the answer is here: the 33-year-old woman was pregnant with her sixth baby, having been born the previous five by caesarean section.

One of the risks of caesarean section (and one of the reasons why it is recommended that caesarean section be done only when necessary) is uterine rupture. The risk of its occurrence is between 0.2 and 1% in the next pregnancy, and up to 6% if an induction is performed during the next delivery.

After a second cesarean, the risk of uterine rupture quadruples. But we are not talking about a woman with two caesarean sections, but one who already had five previous caesarean sections, so the risk was much greater. In fact, I already had two C-sections more than recommended, because doctors consider the maximum number of C-sections that are considered relatively safe is three. From that figure, the risk is very high (and to show this pregnancy that we tell you today).

In week 22 he crossed the uterus with his legs

Or at least that was when they saw it. At week 22, a routine ultrasound was performed and they saw that something was wrong. Then they did an MRI that revealed what you see in the image above: the baby's legs had come out of the womb, and with them part of the sac and amniotic fluid. The opening measured about 2.5 cm and through it they had cast their legs and other structures.

The doctors informed the woman and her partner of the danger posed by this condition: that the uterus broke completely, that the placenta remained attached, that the delivery was premature and that the uterus had to be removed, among other even greater risks.

It was decided to continue with the pregnancy but with an exhaustive control of it to act in case there was any variation or complication. Thanks to this, it was possible to reach up to 30 weeks of gestation.

In week 30 the baby was born after the sixth caesarean section

Finally, at week 30, a new ultrasound was done that revealed that the opening was already 5 cm and that the part of the sac that was outside the uterus had grown even larger. Then it was realized what would be the sixth caesarean section of the woman, which resulted in the birth of a healthy male baby who weighed 1,385 kg.

After birth they sutured the uterus and everything went well: there were no complications for the mother or the baby and six months after the event, as we read in IFLScience, the baby and the mother are fine.

Video: Amazing Animation of a Fetus Growing in the Womb (July 2024).