Are you a 100 meter champion in the bathroom? Why do you need to urinate frequently when you are pregnant

During pregnancy, there are truly embarrassing situations (forgive the redundancy) for the future mom. One of the most common, especially during the first and third trimesters of gestation, is the need to urgently go to the bathroom at full speed as if you were participating in an Olympic race.

Therefore, if you are a champion of 100 meters to the bathroom, we explain to you why do you feel like urinating frequently when you are pregnant. Why do you have to run to the nearest bathroom.

Why do you continually go to the bathroom?

One of the reasons is the increased volume of fluids in the body of the pregnant woman This increase causes the kidneys to work constantly to eliminate the substances that you do not need, increasing the frequency of urination.

On the other hand, as the pregnancy progresses and the size of the uterus increases, also increases pressure on the bladder in the last stage of pregnancy, causing it to empty more frequently.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, when the belly descends and exerts even greater pressure on the bladder, urine leaks are common, which can happen due to a sneeze or a laugh, so it is recommended that you protect your underwear with a small compress .

Do not confuse urine losses with losses of amniotic fluid. The latter occur when the underwear is wet with an aqueous liquid that flows slowly but steadily, or when making certain movements.

Don't stop hydrating

Even if you notice that you go to the bathroom more often, do not deprive yourself of drinking water during pregnancy. Remember to urinate frequently helps to purify the body of toxins and to reduce the incidence of kidney stones, so try to always have a bath nearby.

During pregnancy the thirst threshold increases and you feel the need to drink water more frequently. It is estimated that the need for fluids in pregnancy is 2.7 liters per day, although it depends on each woman. Adequate hydration contributes to prevent constipation, to improve the condition of the skin and although it seems a contradiction, to reduce fluid retention, among others.

To avoid too many night awakenings that aggravate the episodes of insomnia, try reduce fluid intake during dinner and empty the bladder before bedtime.

Should I be worried?

Many times, the need to go to the bathroom is often associated with a possible urinary infection, but by itself it is not a symptom of disease or infection, except that it is accompanied by other symptoms such as:

  • Burning sensation when urinating
  • Painful urination
  • Lower belly pain
  • Frequent need to urinate, even if the bladder is empty
  • Cloudy or smelly urine

Video: Off Topic: Ep. 21 - The Mattress and The Pea (July 2024).