A baby dies after ingesting the oil that her parents put in her chest to relieve her cough

I guess what I'm going to say is so obvious that it goes without saying, but as we can read in the boxes of medicines and dangerous substances: "Never leave them within reach of children". And it is that nothing ever happens with them until one day curiosity can and they end up taking and bringing to their mouths what should not have ended up in their hands.

It is what happened with this girl of only 11 months. A real tragedy that has led his mother to spread the web, with the intention and hope that it will not happen to anyone else. Your little he died days after he ingested oil from his chest to relieve cough.

He drank some of the camphor oil

As we read in Mirror, the little girl has been in intensive care for more than a week until the tragic end has come.

His mother, Jessica, 23, a resident of Toxteth, Liverpool, has wanted to share several photos of his daughter along with the description of everything lived, to alert other parents about the danger which means that they can play with children according to what substances.

In this case we talk about camphor oil, a very popular preparation for those lands whose aroma, when inhaled, decreases the cough of children and adults.

Camphor is one of the main components of various preparations intended to calm the cough through the aromas they give off (such as the well-known Vicks VapoRub), and its use is contraindicated in children under 2 years old and in people suffering from epilepsy. The reason is not that they can swallow it, but also that it has been seen that in young children, this and other similar substances can stimulate mucus production and inflame the airways, which is the opposite of what is intended. In young children, in fact, asthma-like crises can occur.

Symptoms happened instantly

Jessica shared photos of her with Leila

Apparently they had left the little bottle of oil on the nightstand. The little girl managed to take it and somehow throw it over to the point of ingesting it.

He started coughing right away, and they thought he had choked on something, but soon the cough got worse, his lips were bruised and he began to lose consciousness, unable to breathe properly.

Although they were running to the emergency room and have been admitted to intensive care, nine days after that event everyone regrets the death of the child.

So from here we can only send our condolences, and even at the risk of repeating myself, urge our readers and readers to do a visual sweep at home in search of possible significant risks for your little ones, and always keep medications, cleaning products and washing machine tablets, dishwashers and the like, out of reach.

Photos | iStock, Mirror
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