Maintaining eye contact with your baby facilitates communication between the two

What mother or father does not like to look into your baby's eyes? Contemplate them and receive back that innocent and tender look It is definitely one of the best feelings and sensations that we have for having children.

Now a new study shows us that eye contact, in addition to being a beautiful exchange, is beneficial for both, because synchronize our brain waves and help make communication easier between the two.

This studio It was carried out in two phases, "Experiment 1" with 17 babies and "Experiment 2" had the participation of 19. The babies of the first group were shown videos of an adult singing nannies in three ways: staring at them, looking towards another place and looking just staring as the head pointed in another direction. Those of group two saw the same adult face to face, singing to them by nannies staring at them and also turning away.

While the babies in the first group watched the videos, their brain wave patterns were recorded through an electrocardiogram. In the case of the second group, brain waves from both babies and adults were monitored. It was found that when babies and the adult were staring into each other's eyes their brain waves synchronized and babies tried to communicate more or vocalize their expressions when this synchronization occurred.

In an interview for The Telegraph, Victoria Leong, one of the authors of the study, explains the following: "When the adult and the baby look into each other's eyes, signs of availability and intentions of communicating with each other are being sent. We found that both the brain of the adult and the baby, respond to the signal of the look, synchronizing better with your partner. This mechanism could help parents and babies to communicate, by synchronizing the moment of speaking and the moment of listening, which would make learning more effective.".

In conclusion, researchers believe that establishing and maintaining eye contact with the baby helps create a synchronous state that facilitates the transfer of information, during the early stages of learning and communication.

Video: No Contact Rule When You Have A Child Together? Here Is How To Go About It! (July 2024).