How to prevent or reduce varicose veins in pregnancy

One of the most frequent problems in pregnancy are varicose veins, due to the changes that occur in the woman's body during the months of gestation. If you are prone to varicose veins or if you are suffering them during pregnancy, we teach you some tricks to prevent them or reduce their discomfort.

Varicose veins or varicose veins during pregnancy consist of a swelling of the veins in the layer under the skin, caused by the increase in blood that occurs during pregnancy, dilation of vein tissue and the weight of the uterus in increase, which puts pressure on the veins of the legs and decreases the blood flow to them.

Varicose veins appear more frequently in the legs, although some women may also find that they occur in the vulva and are also very common in the anus: hemorrhoids. We focus on varicose veins of the legs.

How to prevent or reduce varicose veins in pregnancy?

  • Perform ankle flexion and rotation exercises with your legs in the air.

  • Elevate the lower extremities when you can, even at night during nighttime rest. For this you can use large cushions. This prevents the accumulation of blood in the legs.

  • Rest on the left side when lying down.

  • Use special elastic stockings for varicose veins. The gynecologist can recommend the best option for your case.

  • Avoid standing for long periods (and less, statically). It has been shown that standing for a long time clearly increases not only circulation problems but also the risk of backaches that can make pregnancy very difficult.

  • When you are sitting, do not cross your legs to avoid compression.

  • Try not to sit long in the same position, get up, walk and change your posture.

  • Walk frequently, moving feet and legs helps circulation.

  • Regularly practice gentle exercises appropriate to pregnancy such as swimming, yoga, pilates ...

  • Do not wear tight clothing that compresses the legs, pelvis or waist.

  • Do not load with excess weight.

  • Do not wear tight, high-heeled or thin shoes. You may need to increase a couple of standing numbers these months.

  • Apply fresh water showers on the legs to improve circulation.

  • The gentle, relaxing and circulatory massages, in ascending direction also help to improve circulation and rest.

  • Controls weight gain in pregnancy to avoid circulatory problems.

  • Eat a healthy diet with a rich hydration, which will help the circulation to be fluid and not have problems in this regard.

  • Avoid exposure to tobacco smoke, as it is related to a worsening of blood circulation.

Due to genetic and organic factors, It is not always possible to completely prevent the formation of varicose veins during pregnancy, but you can try to minimize the causes of circulation problems by following these tips. Generally varicose veins are not serious, but if you notice suspicious signs (hardening, sudden onset, acute pain ...) consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Video: Venous Insufficiency, Dont Ignore the Symptoms (July 2024).