Laughter increases the benefits of breast milk against skin allergies

I fervently believe that joy is a fundamental ingredient in raising healthy and happy babies.

A Japanese study scientifically supports this theory and goes further. It makes evident The healing effects of a laughing mother's milk.

It demonstrates the benefit that mother's laughter brings to the baby through breast milk, improving its qualities to combat skin allergies.

Research carried out at Moriguchi-Keijinkai Hospital in Osaka, Japan found that the symptoms of a group of babies suffering from eczema (allergic skin inflammatory disease) were relieved when their mothers had laughed hours before feeding them.

To make sure, a group of mothers, some of whom also suffered from eczema, were screened films by Charles Chapin while another, the weather forecast. After several sessions they found that skin reactions in both mothers and babies remitted in the first group but not in the second.

They also noticed that they reduced the reactions caused by mites and latex. In conclusion, that mothers who laughed relieved the symptoms of eczema in their babies and themselves.

At the same time, they found high levels of melatonin in the milk of these mothers, a hormone that is related to relaxation and coincidentally is low in people with eczema.

In summary, 15 minutes of laughter a day can bring great benefits both for mental health and for combating skin allergies in mother and baby. Another important reason to laugh.

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