Restriction of aromas and dyes in infant feeding

Just as yesterday we talked about the restriction of the use of mercury in thermometers, today we also find the right but slow restriction of aromas and dyes in infant feeding currently approved by the European Parliament (EP).

They can only be used in case of being technologically necessary and without confusing the consumer, we have our right to know the freshness of the natural ingredients that a product contains.

With regard to the aromas or enzymes that are incorporated into food, we already pronounce it Directly to the Palate, they will be authorized when the additive contains 90-95% of natural origin. We also want to show you a story in which the AESA (European Food Safety Agency) indicates that the food coloring E-128 can be carcinogenic, through the link you can learn more about it.

Another issue is the genetically modified organisms (GMO), its avalanche in the food sector has caused that its information is also requested on the label for consumer knowledge.

We don't really know what we eat, nor what we give our children for their development. Parliament emphasizes that transparency is essential for us to rely on food management with respect to the EU, and for this they have requested that authorization requests be made public.

Finally, the proposals made by the EP will be studied by EU ministers at the end of the summer. We will be pending.

Video: Which skin care products are safe for babies? - Dr. Varsha Saxena (July 2024).