"During pregnancy it is important to leave your mouth ready to receive the baby." Interview with Manuella Surette, specialist in Mother and Child Dentistry

After seeing yesterday the first part of the interview with dentist Manuella Surette, specialist in Preventive and Mother-Child Dentistry with long experience in babies, children and pregnant women, we return today with more information about oral health at these stages.

When children can brush their teeth without help, dental trauma, the dangers of walkers or the most frequent oral problems in pregnancy are the topics proposed this time.

When can a child be considered able to properly brush their teeth without help?

Up to eight years children are developing their motor coordination. From then on it is when they are considered to be able to make more "fine" movements and therefore perform a brush that is preventive and effective against tooth decay. But having eight years does not mean that he can do it, if in the previous years he was not encouraged to do it well.

If I am eight years old, I am able to tie my shoes by myself, but if I have not been stimulated and I have not "trained" it, I will not know how to do it at the moment. So it is very important that parents be responsible for efficient brushing daily, leaving room for the child to develop their autonomy, guiding and accompanying him in his process.

Regarding the cases of dental trauma you attend, are they frequent? What are usually the causes of the blows? How are we to act in front of a trauma?

Dental trauma is very common in children. The most important stages are when the baby begins to run (over two years) and when the child begins to test his developed motor skills (seven-eight years). In some cases there are bad surprises in very young babies who are learning to walk using walkers. These falls are usually stairs and very severe trauma.

On this it is important to note that walkers are prohibited in many countries and that they have no positive influence on the development of the baby and in some cases they even delay walking.

In case of trauma it is very important to immediately seek a pediatric dentist. The simplest trauma should be investigated given the proximity of the roots of the milk teeth with permanent teeth. If you can call immediately better.

In the case of permanent teeth, the upper incisors (the blades) tend to be the most affected. In this case, care is redoubled, since they are teeth for a lifetime. If the tooth goes out of its place, we must look for it, take it by the crown (NEVER by the root), wash it with clean water or milk and put it back in place, and go immediately to the dentist. If we are not able to do it, then we have 30 minutes: we put it in a glass with milk, call the dentist and go immediately to his office.

If the tooth fractures, we must look for the piece of tooth and store it in a container with milk, water or saliva so that the dentist tries to glue it. Yes, it is possible to paste it!

If there are no visible oral problems in children, how often should the dentist's visit be visited?

The definition of prevention goes through "arrive earlier". So we go to the dentist or the doctor to have nothing and no, if we have something. Pediatric dentists rely on some caries risk criteria to establish review periods. This must be evaluated individually as each being is unique in its particularities. However, we could say that a child should go to the dentist at least twice a year.

You are also a specialist in pregnant women. What are the most common oral problems at this stage?

During pregnancy there is an increase in blood vascularization of the gums resulting from the release of hormones during this period. Therefore bleeding is very common when brushing teeth. Another less common but not uncommon alteration is the epulis of pregnancy, which is like an increase in gingival tissue volume, such as a small ball, a small gum.

What special precautions do future moms have to take regarding their dental hygiene? Can dental exams and cleanings be performed during pregnancy?

It is very important when they find out that they are pregnant, look for a dentist with specific knowledge in this area to guide and treat them. No type of treatment is prohibited during pregnancy. Everything must be evaluated by the doctor and the patient taking into account priorities and emergencies.

The ideal would be to make two oral hygiene, one at the beginning and one at the end of pregnancy. It is important to leave the mouth ready to receive the baby and therefore we must control the number of bacteria in the mother's mouth. Broken spasts, gum inflammation and tooth decay should be treated. What cannot, or does not want to be done during pregnancy, should be controlled / monitored after delivery.

Daily flossing, good brushing, a controlled diet of sugars, flour and carbohydrates and rich in vitamins and minerals is the best recipe!

We thank Manuella Surette, specialist in preventive and maternal and child dentistry, your kindness and willingness to answer our questions. We hope that the interview It has been of your interest, and that together we have learned about the dental health of our children and during pregnancy.

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