Ballet is also for children, and for princes: George attends ballet classes ... and we love it!

Prince George, the eldest son of the Dukes of Cambridge, has returned to school, as have many other children in recent days. Attend St Thomas's Battersea, a private school that goes from kindergarden, after he left the Montessori nursery he attended.

Now that he has turned five, a new stage begins in the school, the elementary school, in which will take ballet classes, one of his new extracurricular activities among which are also other disciplines such as swimming, theater or choir, as reported by Harpers Bazaar.

Breaking gender stereotypes

There are still those who think that football is not for girls or that ballet is not for boys and they refuse to have their children perform certain activities, that's why we love that public characters break those absurd stereotypes, but so difficult to banish. Are there no great male ballet dancers? Of course. Let us be carried away by the spirit of Billy Elliot.

As can be seen on the school website, ballet is a very popular activity among children of all stages and they are prepared for the exams of the Royal Academy of Dance, as well as for samples they perform at school twice a year. year.

More about the prince's ballet classes: each class is 35 minutes and is accompanied by a live pianist. The program consists of three dance disciplines: ballet, free movement (influenced by other dance styles such as jazz, contemporary and classical Greek dance), and theatrical performance.

The Dukes have always been concerned with giving their children an open and respectful education, such as when we saw how they handled Princess Charlotte's tantrums or how they put into practice with their children the method of active listening, which is to get level and look into your eyes with empathy and connection to your emotions.

They also bet to keep them away from the screens and prefer that they do outdoor activities, and now we see that they also keep them away from gender bias allowing their son to attend ballet classes.

In the photos we can see Prince George on his first day of school arriving at the school where the elementary stage begins.

Prince George arrives for his first day of school at Thomas's Battersea with his father The Duke of Cambridge PA

Video: Prince George 'Loves' Dance Classes & His Dad Prince William Couldn't Be Prouder. Access (July 2024).