Mandalas for printing and coloring

In a workshop I did of activities for relaxation in the classroom I discovered the world of mandalas, which I had not heard of until then. Mandalas are drawings that play with more or less complex concentric geometries, which were originally schematic and symbolic diagrams or representations of the macrocosm and microcosm, used in different cultures since ancient times.

Today, anyone can invent their mandala and color it, an activity that will delight young and not so small that they will find a moment of relaxation and stimulation of their creativity.

From this link we can download very varied mandalas, also classified in such a way that we can see what is the origin and interpretation of each one (animal, energy, Celtic, Indian, Asian, Australian, ...) mandalas. Also in Free-mandala we have many models to download to the computer and print to the size we choose.

Something important is that we must let the child choose their own mandala, the one they find most attractive. It seems proven that the most restless children with greater concentration problems will choose the ones that need more thoroughness when it comes to being colored. On the other hand, those who are calmer and easily focus attention usually choose those that need a simpler elaboration.

Thus, unconsciously, each one (whether a child or an adult) will look for the one that best facilitates the task and makes us find our inner balance: those who disperse the most will have to concentrate more to color it, and they will do so without realizing it. Those who tend to pay more attention to things will relax and adopt a lighter attitude to complete their mandalas.

Of course, they must also have full freedom when choosing colors and have varied options. The same mandala can result in figures that give very different prints depending on the colors with which they are filled, even according to the mood of the moment the colors chosen will vary.

In any case, coloring these drawings is good entertainment. In addition, surely the results of the children seem true works of art!

By the way to future moms They will also like to color mandalas to stimulate their creativity during pregnancy.

Video: The Art of Mandala Coloring Book - Print Review (June 2024).