Types of high chairs or chairs to eat

More or less modern, more or less large, of very diverse materials, classic, design, portable ... There are almost endless possibilities for these complements that are made companions of our children and the kitchen of many homes during a good season.

Especially when they are younger, eating on the high chair is the most comfortable for everyone, and there are models for all tastes. We can fundamentally distinguish these high chair types:

  • High chairs with legs, which can be foldable (more practical) or not and of different materials: plastic, aluminum, wood ... They usually include a removable tray to, later, incorporate the highchair without tray to the common table, especially if they are adjustable in height.

  • High chairs without legs. Within this class we find 2 varieties. Models to incorporate into any chair, such as this recliner and which are also known as "baby shower". Y table high chairs, which are attached to the family table. The latter personally are the ones I like the least, perhaps because of the impression that the child makes me be "suspended" in the air, despite the fact that the anchors must comply with safety regulations.

  • Convertible high chairs: these high chairs allow you to become chairs and tables for babies, as we have in this one of Combi. They are usually heavier and coarser, although as long as the children are not very large they can be moved to their room or study as a mini-desk.
  • Travel highchairs: they are foldable, compact and lightweight, comfortable to transport, like or this inflatable high chair, this one of design or this other model for traveling babies.

Whatever our choice, we must always choose models that comply with current safety regulations and follow all the requirements to make a good choice.

Video: 4-in-1 Total Clean High Chair. Fisher-Price (July 2024).