Tips for traveling with children in the car

Traveling with children by car can be exhausting. And now, in summer, with long trips and heat, then worse. Some tricks can help us make it more bearable for everyone. Do not forget that they have a bad time, but that losing your nerves or overwhelming the driver is dangerous for your concentration.

  • Go with them behind whenever possible. If you go to his side you can distract him better and he will feel more accompanied.
  • Plan as many stops as necessary. And if the child cries or gets nervous, stop. Leave with plenty of time and no arrival time. Think of the trip not as a destination, but as a day to share. Nothing to scold or ignore him, stop and take a while to rest and play.
  • Travel in the hottest hours and when you calculate that you will sleep. A couple of naps in the car will make everything more bearable.
  • Prepare well the vituallas: water, milk, cookies, other things that you like.
  • Indispensable, the best selection of toys, paintings, finger puppets, self-cleaning blackboards.
  • Music that you like and know. And to sing loudly.
  • The DVD with your favorite movies.
  • Dress them with comfortable clothes and shoes. And so do we.
  • Anticipate what is necessary to cover the direct sun.
  • Replacement clothes, a towel, wipes, toilet paper.
  • Do not carry loose objects in the car, especially heavy luggage. Their weight is multiplied by the speed in case of impact and can be fatal.
  • If you can, go by train.
  • And always, always, use the car seat for children and belts for the elderly.

Video: Tips For Traveling With Kids (July 2024).