Caesarean sections would raise the life risk of the baby in a subsequent delivery

Some mothers are worried about the consequences that a C-section can bring.

In that sense, British researchers analyzed the births of more than 80,000 women who had previously undergone a caesarean section, which allowed them to state that these practices They raise the risk that the baby will be born dead in a subsequent delivery.

In figures, published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, indicate a risk of 4.6 per 1,000 in women who had previously given birth by caesarean section compared to 3.5 per 1,000 in women who had not undergone That intervention.

The greatest risk is due to possible problems in the formation of the placenta, as well as a greater genetic predisposition and environmental factors.

I think that this type of studies can be useful for the scientific community, done with the intention in this case to alert to the abuse of caesarean sections that are practiced.

But I also believe that they are only alarming and encouraging concern about a new pregnancy for mothers who have already had a C-section.

Well, as the report indicates, the causes of a baby being born are also due to a variable amount of genetic and environmental factors.

Video: Will induced labor for a VBAC increase the risk of uterine rupture? (July 2024).