Highlights in Babies and more: from April 27 to May 3

As we usually do every Monday, we summarize them in a post the most outstanding contents in Babies and more during the last week.

Due to the proximity of Mother's Day celebrated yesterday, we have offered some proposals such as diplomas to print, a poem and gift ideas to make to mom.

Armando has offered a first part of recommendations on what to do and what not to do so that children sleep better while informing us about a rigorous topic: how swine flu virus affects children.

Two issues that we often deal with in the blog are colecho and breastfeeding. In the last week Mireia has spoken to us in two posts about her experience with pediatricians little friends of school and breastfeeding (part I and part II).

We also wanted to share with you the award-winning photo with the 2009 Pulitzer Prize that reflects what it is like to give birth in Haiti as well as we have talked about an elaborate expression guide to help babies understand.

We have also commented that iron supplementation during pregnancy increases the risk of premature and low birth weight.

Finally, we present CharHadas, a new social network for mothers with lots of interesting resources for today's moms.

This week we will bring you many more articles and news that we hope will be of your interest.

Video: Racing Highlights: Navan April 28th 2019 (July 2024).