Reactions to the loss of a premature baby

Losing a child should be one of the most traumatic experiences that parents can live throughout their lives.

Of course, not all people react in the same way to the death of a baby. There are those who isolate themselves while others seek the support of loved ones.

Swiss researchers wanted to analyze the behavior of 22 couples who had lost their premature babies between two and six years before to come to a reflection on the matter.

As expected, the loss still played a central role in the lives of couples, although not all people are equal, so in 10 couples the level of grief was different between spouses. In contrast, in 12 of the 22 couples, both spouses lived the duel in a similar way.

It is normal that one of the two may be more affected than the other over time. Each one tends to overcome the loss of a loved one in a different way, however experts recommend sharing feelings with the couple and maintaining fluid communication to feel better emotionally in the long term.

On the contrary, if a couple does not talk about the loss of the baby in the year after death, they recommend seeking professional help, because when they do not share their pain they emotionally isolate themselves favoring depression and anxiety symptoms.

There are several associations of parents of premature babies as well as groups and forums of parents who have lost a child that can be of great help in overcoming grief. Sharing experiences with those who have gone through the same drama is a very valuable help to get ahead.

Video: Premature baby (July 2024).