Beautiful video of a water birth

Water birth is an alternative to traditional birth that many future mothers consider. After watching this beautiful video of a water birth, winner of the "Documentary Birth Award" sure will have more followers.

They are exciting images of a delivery in a hospital in which the mother is submerged in a transparent bathtub full of water at about 37 degrees, body temperature, to avoid sudden temperature changes for the baby.

The delivery takes place very quietly, in privacy, with professional supervision but without intervention, since even when the head appears, it is the mother herself who receives the baby.

Temperate water facilitates childbirth since it relaxes the muscles and stimulates the production of endorphins, reducing the sensation of pain. In addition, it accelerates the dilation phase by softening the perineal tissues.

You may worry about the time that keeps the newborn under water, but remember that the baby comes from an aqueous medium and still breathes through the umbilical cord. When you surface, you breathe for the first time by starting your respiratory system.

With respect to the umbilical cord, it seems that it has been cut prematurely (although we cannot see the real time of the video), at least the placenta has not yet come out. The recommendation is to wait for the cord to stop beating on its own to cut it, a practice that brings significant benefits to the mother and the baby, both immediate and long term.

Is a beautiful video of a water birthNo wonder that more and more women choose this method of giving birth.

Video: Natural Home Birth. Water Birth (July 2024).