FlyLady: organize the home

I am not very organized with household chores, I get bored and delay them until it is already unbearable. At least I did it until recently, because I started to apply some simple routines that I found on the page of FlyLady and I start to have more time spending a little time on each thing.

When we do not have children, much more free time is available, and we are not overwhelmed either if housework is delayed a bit. But now, with the children and also the beginning of school, the house overflows us.

Dads and moms who also have to reconcile work and family life do not have much time to take care of the house. Being with children and taking care of ourselves is a priority, but we cannot let dirty clothes reach the ceiling and the pots are stacked in the sink.

Some simple ideas and basic routines help the tasks not accumulate. FlyLady He proposes some ideas that each one can adapt to his own needs. It is designed for housewives but working parents can also use it.

There are daily tasks that are inaccessible and that if done at the moment they save twice as much time: always pick up the sink and the kitchen after eating, spend 20 minutes to collect the objects and garments that have been left untidy by the house before go to sleep, put on a specific time for the washing machine and laying clothes, cook that time we have more free.

You also have to plan a weekly time for other tasks such as doing the bathrooms, going shopping, preparing activities with the children, reviewing the bills, making a thorough room. Everyone knows their needs well and surely making an agenda is extremely useful in the long run.

If we do not allow ourselves to steal the time for accumulated activities we can then enjoy our children much more and accompany them with greater attention. To me the routines of FlyLady They have helped me to do it.

Video: Organize Your Home FlyLady Method (July 2024).