Thyroid control in pregnant women

The thyroid is a bun-shaped gland located in the neck that produces hormones responsible for regulating metabolism and stimulating almost all types of tissue.

Its correct functioning is very important in pregnant women, because a decrease in its activity (hypothyroidism) can cause premature delivery and problems in the brain development of the fetus, although the mother has no symptoms of the disease.

A large study is being conducted at the National Institutes of Health in the United States in search of the best treatment for future moms who have problems with their thyroid gland.

The symptoms of hypothyroidism are very difficult to identify in pregnant women. Fatigue, constipation, weight gain, forgetfulness, hoarseness and dry skin are some of the signs, typical also in any normal pregnancy.

Doctors are in a great debate if the future mother should undergo a revision of her glands during pregnancy.

Normally, women suffering from hypothyroidism receive an endocrine treatment that regulates the normal function of the gland.

The fact is that doctors still do not know if a thyroid treatment would help, if there is any advantage in performing thyroid tests in pregnancy control.

That is why the case of a thousand pregnant women will be studied and the children's brain evolution will be followed up to 5 years to reach a conclusion.

Meanwhile, if you have problems with your thyroid gland, you should discuss it with your gynecologist who will determine what treatment to follow.

Video: Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy Video Brigham and Womens Hospital (July 2024).