Stories of mothers: "Motherhood is not persecuted, it is received"

One more day we offer you a story of a mother you are sending us (by the way, very emotional), on the occasion of the celebration within a few days of Mother's Day.

Today is the turn of Esther, Joel's mother, seven and a half months. Esther explains how the long and tedious path she had to travel until she was a mother was, thanks to assisted reproduction.

She has titled her story: Receive maternity. You can read it below:

No one should see how their desire to be a mother turns into frustration, broken illusions, sadness. As something that begins with the purpose of enriching your life, it ends up impoverishing and reducing you to a being that yearns for what it does not have, expects what does not come and loses everything else. But it happens, at least it happened to me and for a long time my desire for your arrival was transformed into anguish over your absence. Luckily, although the road was hard, I found wonderful people who helped me to be a better mother for you. Someone told me "Motherhood is not persecuted, it is received" and there I began to enjoy the road, to stop suffering, to give value to what I already had and to wait for you to appear in my life instead of running blindly behind of you. Thanks to the wait I learned what was the portage, the colecho, the attachment, that there were other ways of being a mother. The waiting time ceased to be wasted time and became well spent time. Finally on December 18, 2008 I saw the long-awaited two stripes in a test, they really existed and it meant that you were there. I will not deceive you, I was very afraid, afraid of losing you, of not getting to see you, that you would not want to stay.
The day you were born did not go as expected, a caesarean section urgently changed the scenario I had imagined for us, but seeing your face, hearing your tears full of life, energy and hope I did not care the stage. You were already here and when they placed your perfect and beautiful head next to mine, you heard my voice broken by emotion and stopped crying, you opened your eyes looking for my face and finally a mother was born. All the pain, the wait, the longing and the time fades, vanishes when you see you grow, when you examine your perfect little body and your round face. I know you are the best I've ever done and all the time invested has been worth it. On August 31 we begin a new life, infinitely better and richer than I could have imagined and also full of efforts to improve, to grow, to learn. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to be your mother.

We thank Esther for showing us this little piece of her life and we remind you that if as a mother you want to share your story with us as other moms have already done, you can do it by sending the story, which should be between 5 and 8 paragraphs long, to stories of [email protected] with one or two photos (min. 500 px wide) in which you go out together to your son or children.

Video: Single Mom (July 2024).