101 boy names that begin with the letter B

The name is the first gift you give your baby. A gift that will remain with him for the rest of his life, and will be the basis that will help him establish his personal identity.

To help you choose, we are reviewing all the letters of the alphabet. Here you have a 'small sample' of 101 child names that begin with the letter B with its origin and meaning. Enjoy it!

  • Baal: of Phoenician origin meaning "lord, master."

  • Baasa: of Greek origin that means "to be evil." He was the third king of Israel.

  • Bábil / Bábilas: of Eastern origin, derived from the name of Babylon, capital of Mesopotamia.

  • Bacchus: of Greek origin. It is the nickname of the god Dionysus, god of wine.

  • Badenol: of Canarian origin, it is the name of the Prince of Tacoronte.

  • Balbino: of Latin origin, diminutive of Balbus and name of a Roman emperor.

  • Balbo: Asturian name that comes from Latin and means "he who does not speak well."

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  • Balderico: of Germanic origin. According to its etymology it comes from bald- (bold) and -ric (powerful).

  • Baldomero: of Germanic origin. According to its etymology it comes from bald-miru: "brave and illustrious".

  • Baldwin: of Germanic origin. It comes from Baldwin, which means "bold friend."

  • Balián: in reference to Bailán de Ibelín, an important nobleman of Jerusalem, lord of Ramallah.

  • Balthazar: of Assyrian origin. Bel-Sar-Utsor or "God who protects the King".

  • Bambi: of Italian origin which means "boy or girl" and can be used for children of any sex.

  • Barack: of Hebrew origin. It comes from bãrãc which means "lightning, lightning."

  • Baraquías / Baraquiel: of Hebrew origin. Composed of 'bârâq' (lightning) and 'yâh', short for Yahweh.

  • Barbaciano: of Latin origin, derived from Barbatus / Barbato, in the Roman imperial era. It means "he who has a beard."

  • Barbarian: of Greek origin that means "foreigner, not Greek, that babbles".

  • Barbato: of Latin origin which means "bearded man, who has a beard".

  • Boat: of Latin origin that means "thunder, lightning." From Latin Barcas, nickname of Amílcar, Carthaginian general, inherited by his sons: Aníbal and Asdrúbal.

  • Bard: of Latin origin. It comes from the German bard / bart: "ax".

  • Barjesús: of Aramaic origin. It comes from 'bar jesua' (son of) and the Hebrew name of Jesus.

  • Barney: diminutive of Barnaby or Barnard which means "son of consolation."

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  • Barabbas: of Aramaic origin, which means "father's son".

  • Barry: of Irish origin that means "the one with light hair".

  • Barsabas: of Aramaic origin meaning "son of the Sabbath" (holiday for the Jews).

  • Barsimeo: of Aramaic origin meaning "son of Simeon."

  • Bartholomew: of Aramaic origin. Composed of 'bar' (son) and 'talmai' (abundant in grooves).

  • Bartolu: Asturian name, diminutive of Bartholomew.

  • Barton: of English origin which means "settlement" in reference to the city of Bart.

  • Baruch / Baruch: of Hebrew origin, variant of the biblical name Baruc, which means "blessed."

  • Basil / Basileo / Basilio: of Latin origin, they are Italian and Spanish forms that mean "real, of the kingdom".

  • Basilian: of Latin origin which means "son of Basil."

  • Bastian: of Greek origin that means "he who is revered." It comes from Sebastian.

  • Battista: Italian name of Baptist, which means "he who baptizes."

  • Baudilio: of Greek origin that means "independent adventurer".

  • Trunk: Italian name meaning "snail".

  • Baptist: of Greek origin. It comes from 'baptistés' which means "he who dips".

  • Bay: character of Syrian origin that means "born on Saturday."

  • Bazyli: of Jewish origin which means "regal."

  • Beaufort: of French origin that etymologically means "of the beautiful fortress".

  • Beauvais: of French origin, variant of Bevis that means "beautiful face".

  • Behrooz: of Persian origin that means "lucky."

  • Bel: of Latin origin. From the arcadian Belu which means "lord."

  • Bela: from Hungarian Bèla, who seems to come from the Germanic Alberto "who shines for his brilliant nobility or nobility".

  • Belisario: of Greek origin that means "swordsman".

  • Belmont: from ancient French which means "beautiful mountain".

  • Beltran: of German origin. It comes from 'beraht-rabam', which means "illustrious crow".

  • Benedict: of Latin origin. It comes from 'bene dictus', which means "blessed."

  • Beneharo: Guanche King of Anaga, on the island of Tenerife, the first Mencey from Tenerife to oppose Alonso Fernández de Lugo.

  • Benign: of Latin origin that means "benevolent".

  • Benedict: of Latin origin that means "blessed, kind".

  • Benjamin: of Hungarian origin which means "son of the right hand".

  • Benicio: of Latin origin that means "charitable, friend of riding".

  • Bennett: of French origin, variant of Benedict which means "blessed".

  • Benny: of English origin, which means "sincere, honest."

  • Benoit: of French origin, variant of Benedict, which means "the blessed".

  • Bentley: of English origin, variant of Bently, which means "grass meadow".

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  • Benxamin or Xamin: Asturian name, variant of Benjamin, which means "favorite son or young son".

  • Beñat: variant of Bernardo in Basque, which means "strong warrior, bear".

  • Berenguer: of Germanic origin, widely used in the Middle Ages among the nobility, which means "protective spear".

  • Bermuda: of Italian origin that means "strong as a bear".

  • Barnabas: of Aramaic origin that comes from 'barnãbba': "son of the prophet".

  • Bernaldo: of Germanic origin, very common in the Middle Ages, which means "government of warriors".

  • Bernard: of German origin, it comes from 'berin-hard': "strong bear, strong warrior like a bear".

  • Bertín / Berto: of Germanic origin, derived from 'berht', which means "bright, famous".

  • Bertoldo: of Germanic origin that means "splendid boss".

  • Bertram: of French and ancient German origin, which means "bright, famous crow". Crows were traditional symbols of wisdom in mythology.

  • Bieito / Benedito. Galician name of Latin origin that means "well appointed".

  • Blake: of English origin that means "white or black".

  • Biel: of Catalan origin, diminutive of Gabriel. It also has a biblical origin as "servant of the Lord."

  • Welcome: name of Latin origin that just means its name "welcome".

  • Bill or Billy: of English origin. It is a diminutive of William, which means "protector."

  • Bingen: Basque variant of Vicente, which means "winner".

  • Blai: Catalan variant of the name Blas which means "one with difficulty speaking".

  • Blaise: from the Latin name 'Bleso' which means "babble."

  • Blas: of Latin origin, it seems to come from 'blaesus': "difficulty speaking".

  • Boabdil: of Arabic origin meaning "father of Abdullah." He was the last Arab king of Granada.

  • Bobby: diminutive of Robert, derived from the Germanic words 'hrod' ​​(fame) and 'beraht' (brilliant).

  • Björn: of Scandinavian origin that means "bear."

  • Bonaparte: Italian name in honor of the French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte.

  • Bonfilio: of Latin origin that means "good son".

  • Bonifacio: of Latin origin that means "good destiny, augury, benefactor".

  • Bond: of Latin origin that means "good."

  • Borg: of Norwegian origin that means "of the castle".

  • Boris: of Slavic origin. It comes from 'borotj' which means "fighter warrior, fighter."

  • Borja: of Arab origin that means "full of energy, gentle".

  • Bourne: of English origin that means "stream, stream".

  • Brad: of English origin that was used in ancient English to designate cleared places. It means "wide, wide."

  • Bradley: of English origin that means "elegant".

  • Brahma: of Sanskrit origin. It is the name of a Hindu divinity and means "the absolute."

  • Bram: Irish form of Abraham, "father of all nations."

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  • Brandon: Bertran's Italian variant that means "smart."

  • Braulio: of Germanic origin that means "vivacious, imaginative."

  • Breixo: Galician name of Latin origin that means "very true".

  • Brendan: of Irish origin that means "prince".

  • Breogán: of Celtic origin, widely used in Galicia in honor of the founder of the Galician nation. It means "strength."

  • Brian: of Celtic origin that means "noble, strong."

  • Bruce: of Scottish origin that began to be used in honor of King Robert de Bruce and means "persevering, observant."

  • Bruno: of Germanic origin that comes from 'brun' or 'brunne' and means "dark" or "shell".

  • Bud: of English origin which means "friend".

  • Buenaventura: name of Latin origin that means "he who wishes joy and luck to others".

  • Byron: of English origin, widely used in reference to the poet Lord Byron. It means "in the barn or barn."

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101 child names that begin with the letter A

101 girl names that begin with the letter B

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