Most children start kindergarten before the year

Last week we launched a survey among our readers to know the age at which your children started kindergarten and the main reason why you decided to attend.

Based on the results of the survey, most children start kindergarten before the year of age and the main reason is the incorporation of the mother to work.

A 36 percent of the little ones start before the year. Specifically, they do 19 percent between 4 and 6 months, period in which the maternity leave ends, 16 percent between 7 and 11 months, while the remaining 1 percent has started before four months

A 32 percent start between the year and two years of age, without major differences within this period. We see that 12 percent began between 12 and 15 months, 11 percent between 16 and 20 months, while 9 percent between 21 and 24 months.

A 16 percent of the children started kindergarten just in the last year of the first cycle of children, between 2 and 3 years. The main reason why parents considered them to start at this stage was for them to be with other children their age.

By the way, the second most important reason why children start kindergarten (30 percent) after the incorporation of mom to work (34 percent). However, only in 2 percent of the cases the reason was the incorporation of dad to work with what we can see how unbalanced the balance is in this regard.

Other reasons were that there is no other person, apart from mom and dad, who could take care of it (13 percent), while others (4 percent) did it to prepare the child for the "older" school and very few (only 1 percent) because they work at home but cannot take care of the baby.

Of all respondents, 16 percent responded that their baby has not gone to kindergarten. They consider it preferable for the child to be in the care of their parents, grandparents, family members or caregivers without attending daycare.

The results have been as expected, a reflection of what we see in our environment. Than most children start kindergarten before the year It is a consequence of the lousy labor conciliation policy that prevents those who wish to be able to spend more time at home with their children during the first three years.

We take this opportunity to thank you once again for your participation in our surveys that allow us to have a more real vision of your habits and opinions.

Video: When Should Children Start Kindergarten? (July 2024).