How do parents drive? The children think (and we do not leave very well standing)

We drive well. It's the first thing that most drivers would say, but we have "spies" in the back seat. What happens if we ask our children? It is often said that children tell the truth and in this case it seems that we will have to review some performances in the car as drivers ...

Something as basic as carrying the child restraint system, not talking on the phone, not getting confused, getting angry with other drivers or parking well are some of the "suspense" of parents as drivers.

This follows from a study entitled "Habits of road safety of parents and children in the car" conducted by Midas, together with the Ipsos demonstration company and the National Association for Child Safety. The results were prepared through a sample of 1,500 people, with 750 surveys of parents (25 to 54 years old) and children (between five and 12 years old), whose parents are regular car drivers.

53% of minors believe that their parents get behind the wheel to assist them when they are driving, compared to 2% of adults who recognize carrying out this practice. Do we not realize or know that it is wrong? It is very difficult sometimes not to get confused, especially if several children travel, but it is always better to remain calm and stop if necessary, as soon as possible.

We almost suspended when parking in school areas: 44% of the parents parked near the school in an inadequate way, along with other cars located in the same way. A challenge to road safety!

Another interesting fact indicates that 11% of children consider that adults drive "quickly" when they travel in the vehicle with them, while only 7% of adults recognize driving above the allowed speed when traveling with children.

As for the restraint systems in the car, we achieved the approved one, but 28% of the children say they never use their special chair, and although some of those children already measure more than 1'35 meters, it is worrying, since it is clear that security systems save lives.

17% of minors say their father or mother speaks on the phone when driving. Many children enter the vehicle alone (with the risk that the SRI will not be placed correctly) and the number rises when talking about those who go down alone (with the danger, this time, of finding some risk in the roadway).

It is funny that only 20% of children declare to behave "regular" in the car on daily trips or long trips by car. There would be my daughters. Are we missing ideas to entertain them without risks and do not get bored?

Bad ways behind the wheel?

I was especially surprised by the fact that 70% of parents and children consider that they get angry sometimes and three out of ten respondents stress that parents "shout or make ugly gestures" to other drivers when they are behind the wheel. And the transformation we suffer on wheels can sometimes be compared to that of Dr. Jeckill and Mr. Hyde.

But this must be controlled and especially in front of our children if we do not want them to reproduce our behaviors. The car is not a capsule in which everything that happens stays inside.

We may think that, well, there is still a lot left for them to drive. But they are already riding a bike and seeing parents get angry or yelling at other people can also be moved at any time in their lives and not just on wheels. We are your example. And this is what annoys the children of their parents (along with ... let them poke their noses!)

Definitely, the parents did not come out very well as drivers when they think who knows us most, our passengers, our children. Data to reflect, to change certain habits that not only put us in danger but also constitute a bad example of road and behavioral education for children.

Video: People with no kids don't know (July 2024).