How to teach children to save water: nine tricks to reduce consumption at home

One of the issues in which we need to educate our children, the men and women of the future, is the problem of climate change and environmental degradation. Environmental education starts at home, of course speaking and preaching by example.

Water scarcity is one of the issues that most concern and is important teach our children to save water at home making it a fun task for them.

Turn off the tap while lathering your hands

It is not necessary to leave the water running while washing your hands. Simply wet them a little, then turn off the tap and lather well. It reopens to rinse well and saves a lot of water.

Approximately the minute it takes to wash your hands, the open tap consumes up to 12 liters of water.

Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth

The same for brushing. The brush is wet and the tap is closed. Then put some paste on top and brush your teeth very well. It just opens again to rinse your mouth thoroughly.

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Place an hourglass next to the tap

It is a fun way to save water and for children to see it as a game. It is about placing an hourglass to set the time that the tap is open, and of course, the challenge is that the sand does not run out.

A shower better than a bath

When they are babies it is not possible, but when they start growing it is easier and faster to give them a shower than a bath. It is true that with the bathroom they enjoy a lot and it is also a stimulating moment of the day, but consumes twice as much water as the shower.

If you are going to take a bath you can use bathtub reducers to use less water, or bathe the brothers together to save their consumption.

Teach him to use the toilet well

It is important that you know that the toilet is not a wastebasket where you can throw garbage, nor swabs or wet wipes, which also cause great damage to the environment.

You also have to show them, if you have a tank with a double discharge system, when they are going to use the smallest or the biggest button. You can save 6 to 12 liters of water in each discharge.

Reuse water to water plants

While we wait for the water to come out hot, we can collect that water in a bucket and reuse it for the toilet or to water the plants.

You can also reuse the leftover water from lunch and dinner. Instead of throwing it away, you can use a large jug where you dump the water, and at the end of the week, With everything collected, water the garden plants. It is a way to save water, but above all to raise awareness about the amount of water that can be wasted daily.

Fill the dishwasher and washing machine well

When they acquire responsibilities at home, children begin to take care of certain household chores such as putting the dishwasher or putting clothes in the washing machine. We must teach them that they must be filled to the full of their ability to avoid wasting water.

Be sure to close the taps well

Sometimes children forget to turn off the tap, or they do not close them completely by letting out a trickle of water. Teach them to check whenever there are no losses.

Wash fruits and vegetables in a bowl

Instead of doing it with the tap running while the water is running, teach them to use a container, and then reuse that water to water the plants.

Photos | Pexels and Pixabay

Video: 10 Ways To Save Water (July 2024).