World Bicycle Day: do you prioritize the safety of children on two wheels?

Today is the World bicycle Day, and is celebrated to raise awareness about the advantages of this vehicle; advantages that translate better fitness if you pedal often, and the absence of toxic emissions.

As Beatriz points out from Citizen 0,0, Bicycle Day can serve as social awareness, although it is also possible that many of the people who promote this ecological vehicle have no interest in contributing to the use of the bike.

In any case, as citizens, they don't have to tell us how comfortable it is to travel by bicycle, although in my opinion, this comfort is conditioned to the cities being conditioned to allow a safe circulation of bikes; and if possible, to facilitate public rental systems with parking lots well distributed throughout the urban space.

We come to refresh the basic principles of safety on wheels, aimed at families with children. I will begin by remembering that the new Traffic Law recently approved (and about to be implemented), requires all children under 16 to travel around the city by bicycle, to wear a helmet. And this obligation that may seem exaggerated in very young children who still ride bicycles with wheels, and barely travel a few meters, is sure to help reduce the rate of brain injuries from blows to the head after falls from the bike.

It's true that when I was a child, none of my playmates, hit the skull, although we cause dozens of situations that could have ended in serious accidents. We were between 7 and 8 children from six to 13 years old, a number that disavow me to affirm that of 'well I never put on a helmet and nothing happened', since who knows if in any other group of children nearby in space they had to notify the parents to take one of them to the hospital!

As a mother, I would not be alarmed if the limbs are injured (although sometimes this also leads to permanent sequelae), but the head!

Do your children ride a bike? Wear a helmet!

And also that they put one of their size to fit well, the strap should be well fastened (not drowning or baggy), and it is better not to wear caps or caps underneath.

He helmet should be homologated (to verify it you will look for the CE mark on the product label), and be destined to practice cycling ... And it will always be changed after a strong blow.

On the other hand it is convenient to have good ventilation, and if possible choose bright or fluorescent colors so that it is more visible by motorists or other cyclists.

Knowing that the helmet is going well for our children

In Kids Health we find that it should be well leveled in the head, and not tilting (forward or backward); that the strap will be strong and wide; and that it is tight so that sudden movements or pushes do not displace it.

Of serious injuries in bicycle-related accidents, most could be avoided if children wore helmets

UPGRADE: I leave this image that has been provided by Maria Angeles Miranda, so you can see how it is possible to learn in three steps (2 V 1) to put on the bike helmet.

Safety: not only wear a helmet

Also the bike must be of adequate size to the height of the children, and the handle must be at the height of the seat, the seat will be adjusted so that when making the extension movement the knee is slightly bent (and not fully stretched).

Are there more appropriate clothes than other?

For asking that it not be: it would not hurt that (especially if they circulate in low light) they will wear reflective elements, and that the clothes out of bright colors.

But I said in low light, because what is not recommended at all is that they go for a walk at night, no matter how exciting the adventure is

If the pants are flared or too wide by the leg, they can be attached to the chain. If the footwear is not suitable, the foot can slip off the pedal, so nothing about flip flops, sneakers with nails (like soccer shoes), or heels (oh, those little girls dressed as princesses on a bike!). And barefoot? that never.

Are they going to go for a bike ride with the backpack on? Then, or do you make sure to tie the long knotted straps, or give them a snip, because they easily hook up to the spokes.

That they learn to circulate in the streets, or that they refrain from doing those routes

From 10/11 years old, hopefully that understand aspects of road traffic, and that they learn to behave accordingly. It is important that they circulate on the right, that they line up, that they stop at the stop signs, and that they do not leave their home without looking; that and obey other traffic signs.

The senses of sight and hearing must be active at all times (in this order); to be attentive to traffic and pedestrians. And if they are not able, it is better that they only take the bicycle to play on a road without traffic or open field, or that they use the bike lane (if any).

It is assumed that before that age, it will be difficult to remember the aspects mentioned in the previous paragraph, so in the case of driving on an urban road, you better go along the sidewalk, whenever you can, and that they move away to let pedestrians pass.

I understand that depending on what environment we talk about, it will be possible to propose displacements of children without adults: a city is not the same as a town, although cars weigh the same and go at the same speed in one place than in another.

And what about maintenance?

Well swollen wheels, periodically check the chain, as well as the height of the handlebar, the seat. Check the brakes before leaving, and take a look at the cables.

You are dad or mom, and your children are still small

If you are going to promote this healthy vehicle, wait until they are five or six years old, you can buy them the bike before, but they may not appreciate it.

And meanwhile you can take them in car seats - never before 12 months - (front if they are less than two), or trailers (only on rural roads or greenways). Hold children with harness and wear a helmet too. Never leave them on the bike without a driver even if you put an easel!

If you are a driver or pedestrian you also have responsibility

Respect the safety distance, and do not overtake any cyclist leaving less than a meter and a half between vehicles. If you walk, do not occupy the bike lane.

To make sure we prioritize safety, let's think that a bicycle is not a toy, but a vehicle. And that parents must ensure the physical integrity of our children. Remember that it is better to instill the habit soon so that they internalize it and do not find it so complicated to apply the safety rules when growing up.

Images | Christos Loufopoulos, Pedro Ribeiro Simões, MoBikeFed, Arlington County, Umberto Brayj More information | Kids Health, RACC In Peques and More | Bikes and Helmets: application to learn to ride a bicycle safely, Cycling brings many benefits in child development, In Portland children go to school by bicycle

Video: Riding My Bike to get Groceries (July 2024).