Children, love and materialism

"Mom, do you love me?" The girl asked as she finished the yogurt.
“Of course I love you, daughter, a lot. Can't you see what room you have? Can't you see how many toys you have? I never had a room like that, nor did I have as many toys as you, ”replied her mother, pointing to the little girl's room.
“Mom, you're right. So why are you angry when, asking you to give me your love, I ask you to buy me something? ”

I have three children and that makes me know the toy stores in my city and have stepped on them several times. There are many times that I have been able to see children asking for things, one after another, and mothers or fathers refusing, one after the other: "no, that you already have one at home", "no, that you have misbehaved", "no , that… ".

I have always wondered why those children so insistently ask for a gift and why mine just ask for anything and if they ask they settle for a brief explanation of why that day we will not buy anything (other days we do buy them, eye). The conclusion that I reached a good day is that the children ask because we teach them to ask.

There are not many parents who can say they spend a lot of time with their children or are there for them when they call them. The jobs with unfriendly schedules for families, those who have to spend many hours in the nursery, the educational councils that recommend that we not “pamper” them too much and a thousand other factors (parents who do not know how to relate to their children and almost avoid them , parents who have no patience, parents who prefer to be doing something other than being with their children, etc.) make many children feel lonely, lacking parents.

This makes them look for ways to drown that loneliness and, when there is no father or mother to play, one ends up using whatever: “Dad, mom, since you can't be with me, filling my time, give me things to fill it“.

On the other hand, there are many parents who, despite spending little time with them, are aware that their children miss them at many times and end up resorting to gifts to alleviate emotional deficiencies, something like buying their Love with toys

The problem is that if we buy the love of our children, if it reassures us to get a smile with a gift in exchange for the hours we have not spent with them, they They will get used to not being with us and asking us for objects that satisfy their feelings of loneliness for a while..

And I say problem because they will grow and become what many adults today are: "Buy and buy saying that it responds to a need" (which would say recidivists).

Video: How to Raise a Non Materialistic Kid Role Play with Dr. Laura Markham! (July 2024).