Healthy snacks for children in summer

In summer with heat and changes in meal times the kids also lose the habit of having a healthy snack, so they turn to fries and other snacks for ease of access and speed of preparation and do not waste time to continue playing in the pool or go down with friends to the park or urbanization.

If they do a couple of days, nothing happens, but the best thing is continue with healthy school habits, so we are going to give you some quick ideas for healthy and delicious snacks.

One option is the fresh fruit, if we give them a peach, a Paraguayan, a banana, an apple or a fresh and washed pear, they will eat it while they go down to play or leave the pool. And if it costs them a little to drink fruit, it is best that they see us take it and share it with them so that they gradually become fond of it.

It is also possible to prepare a sandwich, if it can be, to enrich it, with multigrain bread, for example, of ham and cheese, of serrano ham with tomato, of hard boiled egg with tomato and a little of mayonnaise, of Russian salad, of smoked loin or of tuna with Peppers is an option of the most nutritious and healthy, we should try to avoid giving fatty sausages very often such as chorizo, bologna, bacon, etc.

Other snack options are the yogurts accompanied by nuts such as pine nuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews or those that you like, since they are an unmatched source of protein and fiber as well as heart-healthy and can be taken while drying when leaving the pool or waiting for your friends come down to play

And also if any of these options, we accompany it with Fruit juice or a simple water bottle, we will turn everything into the best snack for our kids.

We hope we have offered you some good ideas to make our children's food a little healthier.

Video: 5 Healthy Summer Snacks For Kids. Quick + Easy + No Cook (July 2024).