The indiscretion of children

One day at the pool with my son was a bald man taking a dip, when my son saw him, he approached the edge of the pool and asked me in front of everyone pointing to the head of the swimmer in question: "Mom because she has no hair?" ... some celebrated the question with laughter, but I died of shame and opened my eyes greatly in disapproval.

And the children are sincere, which often translates into indiscretion and impertinence. This natural behavior in them is due to the age of four years (it is the stage where it usually appears) has no awareness between public and private, between being nice or impolite.

It is important as parents to set an example and be discreet in personal matters. We must teach them that certain matters that are spoken at home should not be said outside, although there is a risk that I will tell everything and add “my parents say I should not tell this, but…”, due to their degree of immaturity. In order to eradicate this behavior, it is necessary to establish limits in family education as regards the topics that are dealt with at home and the way of expressing emotions and ideas. It is important not to discuss sensitive issues of family, friends or neighbors in your presence.

Respect privacy at home, knock on the door before entering your room, even if you don't have it closed. Nor should toys be provided to children who come to visit without their consent and never reveal a secret to you.

It is also convenient to set limits to privacy. There are situations and circumstances (intimate hygiene, sexual relations ...) that the child should not witness.

Along with this, you have to teach them to be a diplomat, so when you commit an indiscretion you should not fight him in front of the people; It is better to make a gesture of disapproval and change the subject. Only alone tell him that what he has done is not right.

Children commit many indiscretions related to anatomical differences (allusions to fat, bald ...), fortunately these negative allusions constitute a lesson for them. Children learn to silence what hurts others when they observe the reactions of parents and other adults when they have said something out of place.

Video: INDISCRETION Retro Trailer 2017 Mira Sorvino Thriller HD (July 2024).