"Understanding the past, planning the future": Breastfeeding Week in Spain

Though World Breastfeeding Week It was held in August, by consensus, in Spain the majority of Breastfeeding Support Groups begin the celebration of World Breastfeeding Week on the first Sunday of October.

As an outstanding example we find that breastfeeding support organizations and the Junta de Castilla y León have prepared in Zamora from October 1 to 7 the week of breastfeeding, with workshops, conferences and information points around the city to encourage mothers to breastfeed their children.

The objective is to make women aware of the suitability of breastfeeding, of all the positive components it has for their children. This year marks the 20th anniversary of the declaration of the World Health Organization in which it was recommended to promote breastfeeding, for its health benefits for both the mother and the child.

Recall that in 2012 the motto is "Understanding the past, planning the future", and the objectives of the World Breastfeeding Week are:

  • Review what happened to the feeding of the infant and young child during these 20 years.
  • Celebrate the successes achieved at national, regional and global levels; Share work and national cases with the world.
  • Evaluate the implementation of the Global Strategy for Infant and Young Child Feeding.
  • Claim joint actions to fill gaps in breastfeeding and infant and toddler feeding policies and programs.
  • Attract public attention on the status of breastfeeding and infant feeding policies and programs.

In Zamora the Ministry of Health together with the organizations Growing Together, White Gold and Dairy Apego, for breastfeeding support, present a complete program of activities in hospitals and health centers, but also in auditoriums and on the street to disseminate The benefits of breastfeeding.

We hope these activities celebrate Breastfeeding Week be very successful, and are repeated in other places in Spain. It is always good to remember the most important data of breastfeeding, especially for the sake of babies and mothers who doubt or decide to breastfeed without support.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).