Who organizes trips aimed at single parents and brings you closer to natural destinations?

Travel Puzzle is a project that was born within Alventus Travel, as well as its companion of 'trip' Drumbun.

Both intend to lend a Useful service to families with children, organizing trips to places close to Nature, and putting family groups in contact so that they travel beautiful places all together. Thus, on the one hand the parents will have the company of other parents, and for children it will be an incentive to be able to make friends while discovering places unknown to them.

The peculiarity of Puzzle Travel, and what differentiates it from Drumbun, is that it arises from the need for a large population sector in our society: single parents with children. The objectives are shared with Drumbun, facilitate contact with natural spaces, and enhance coexistence.

In our particular travel schedule with children we think of both the little ones and their parents

A group of professionals, with great experience in the tourism sector and very involved in this project, work daily so that the chosen destinations are an excellent opportunity to rest, have fun, make friends and share experiences.

Do you want to know the puzzle proposals for the coming summer?

Video: Packing Light & Right with Sarah Murdoch (July 2024).