The Million Muppets March has already been held in Wahington

US Republican candidate Mitt Romney said in the first debate with Barack Obama that would cut the funds to the public media if he is elected president this Tuesday, November 6, 2012. That means that the muppets there, the teleñecos here, the Big Bird there and the Paco Pico or the Caponata hen here would be without funds.

So to show that the dolls are very dear in the United States of America, and also in many other countries, including Spain, hundreds of people have taken to the streets of Washington, also with their kids, and especially paying tribute to the muppets with their dolls or simply dressed up like them. The march was called: million march muppets and has even a web page full of information.

Although the march also seems to want to defend the ecosystem of public television, radio and internet media, as well as all the programs they produce, I have a lot of doubts that a program like telenetics could not be profitable and efficient in private hands because it should get benefits from the sale of toys and merchandising, because it licenses programs to other countries and because they make films with great success. Not to mention the price that a brand like the one of the teleñecos in the whole world must have.

In Spain we have been learning to read, count (count Count Draco or Count Von Count) for several generations, behave, laugh and get excited with these incredible characters and they would be greatly missed.

I hope that although Big Bird runs out of public funds to finance it, sufficient private funds can be obtained to ensure that the teleñecs continue to exist and live in the memory of the parents and in the hearts of the children who laugh and learn with them. .

Video: Puppet Against The Million Muppet March (July 2024).