Zoo Aquarium of Madrid presents the twentieth edition of its Photo Contest

He Madrid Aquarium Zoo opens a new call for his classic Photography contest that this year also turns 20 years old. Until next August 31, 2013, all fans and professionals in the world of photography and nature can compete in the contest with the novelty, in this edition, of children's participation, in the strip from 8 to 17 years old. The kids will participate in the children's category A day in family.

The XX Zoo Photo Contest proposes that all visitors capture the essence of the park, which turns 41 years of history, and let's get the best images among the 5,000 animals of 600 different species. The challenge is to choose the best story, image and personal proposal among the million visitors who come to the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid every year and are sure to be encouraged this summer to obtain spectacular images. And the kids are also invited so encourage them to take your cameras and let them develop their creativity.

The Zoo has defined three categories: photo of exhibitions (including Zoo nights), A family day (children's prize, from 8 to 17 years / adult prize) and better photo of facilities.

There is a limit of four photos per contestant and can be submitted until August 31. As of October 2013, 40 images will be selected and displayed in the exhibition that will open in the Aquarium Hall of the Madrid Zoo.

All submission and submission conditions are on the Zoo's website. You can send digital images by email that will also have confirmation email of participation in the contest.

The awards They include digital cameras, photo albums (sponsored by Dinasa laboratories), five double tickets for theater shows and for the little ones a Fnac Junior Club gift card for an amount of 250 euros. Although there are many more awards that are organized by category. The 40 photos chosen for the photographic exhibition will also be awarded because they will be presented with a double ticket to the Zoo Aquarium in Madrid.

Congratulations to the Zoo because we keep the contest for so many years and congratulate the participants who obtain high quality images. This year we encourage all the kids to participate, I'm sure they get amazing images.

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