What is the healthiest and most refreshing drink for children?

Sometimes we go more than necessary to what is best for our children. The Spanish Association of Pediatrics reminds us that Water is the best drink for children and for any person, a source of life and health, a natural drink, necessary in itself because it is an important part of our body, which hydrates and refreshes.

If a child has grown accustomed to drinking water (and not packaged juices, milkshakes, soft drinks ...) it is logical that he continues to accept water as the basic drink that accompanies him during the day and in his meals. Sometimes with a few drops of lemon or orange, vitamin water or ice, this drink is the healthiest.

When they are babies, during the period in which they only feed on breast milk on demand they do not need to give them water. Breast milk contains enough water (It is composed of 88% water). Formula milks, if well prepared, also contain the necessary water, although, if the weather is hot, it may be interesting to offer a little more water.

When the baby begins after six months with complementary feeding, he should be offered some water from time to time (and continue with the breast on demand), and better with a cup than with a bottle. But even at this stage, with breast milk on demand and water from fruits and vegetables, the amounts of water "alone" should not be excessive.

Remember that children currently drink too much fruit juice, which is not healthy (except in the case of natural juices made at home at the moment). Neither I refresh thems, which are made up of water and flavorings, usually sugars and some with gas, are recommended in infant feeding.

There is a great risk of decay in them, they can favor overweight, take away appetite, can cause abdominal discomfort ... and ultimately they must be occasional drinks. If we have to choose between fruits and fruit juices or soft drinks, it is clear that fruits are much healthier, many of which contain a large amount of water (and vitamins, and fiber ...).

Also precisely on these hot dates we can opt for drinks with a lot of water such as sorbets or homemade slushies made with water and natural fruit juice.

In short, if we are aware of the importance of water in infant feeding we will be providing our children with a necessary source of health and establishing the basis for water, which is one of the points of the decalogue of infant feeding, to be the beverage principal.

In summer, Water is the healthiest and most refreshing drink for children and for the whole family, and throughout the year it will continue to be. Never miss a bottle of water in the parents' bag and always be at our table at lunchtime. It is also the cheapest drink ... what else can we ask for?

Video: Top Three Healthy Drinks (July 2024).