"In the delivery care the emotions have been neglected." Interview with doula Carolina Cerro

We continue to offer our tour by professionals who can help us better understand the primary health and emotional needs of mom and her baby. For it We interview Carolina Cerro today, doula.

Carolina Cerro She is the mother of two children and was trained as a doula with Mares Doules in Barcelona and by the hand of Michel Odent, Liliana Lammers, Rosa Jové, Carlos González and Laura Gutman among others. Since Proyecto Vida offers maternity and parenting workshops and courses.

What is the origin of the doulas?

The doula is an existing figure since the beginning of time, throughout history and in almost all cultures, women have given birth accompanied by other women besides the midwife and we can see it reflected in all kinds of paintings and sculptures artistic.

What did those old doulas do?

The mothers have been cared for in the puerperium and have been raised in tribe and have always, the most experienced women, accompanied the new mothers. The origin of the term "doula" is Greek and we can translate it as "the one that serves women."

And where does your visibility come from today?

The term "doula" began to be used in the 70s when doctors Klaus and Kenell discovered almost accidentally that the presence of an experienced woman, but not a healthcare professional, in the delivery rooms, accompanying the woman, decreased the intervention and increased contact between mom and baby.

Interesting. What do you think this is?

Progress and medical advances in the care of pregnancy and childbirth have been enormous in the last century, but excessive technification, interventionism and rigid protocols, together with the lack of a look towards the mother, have neglected a very important part, the emotions.

And emotions are very important at that vital stage, right?

Childbirth and the puerperium are, without a doubt, the most exciting and vulnerable moments that women and families are going through, women live with prenatal controls anxiously, we have the feeling that we are never perfect to be able to give birth, breastfeed and Take care of our children.

What benefits does a woman have when taking care of the emotional aspects of her births and puerperiums?

The care of emotional attention makes the woman responsible, involved and feel more secure, work her fears, look for information, feel active and more emotionally linked to her baby and her care.

And here comes the role of the "doula".

The "doula" embodies this facet that we have neglected, arises in response to a need and a demand for new mothers, who want the best physical care, but also need emotional reinforcements, company along the way and feel powerful.

Is the presence of the "doulas" in the attention to the mother a reality?

The time comes when denial of the doula is impossible, we are a reality, we are part of the team that cares for the mother, together with health professionals and the couple.

We will clarify the concept and clarify it, if you want, because the "doulas" must have a clear role, in my opinion and not invade other professional spaces. What is not a doula?

The doula is not a healthcare professional, does not displace the couple, nor is it a loved one.

It has a fair distance that allows women to open up with the confidence provided by a stranger who you have nothing to prove, that does not judge you, who is not above them, is by your side, at your service.

Doulas do not participate in clinical tasks such as vaginal touch or monitors, we do not diagnose or project our desires. We do not apply protocols, we attend and respect above all the mother, her path is unique and is her own.

How would you define the real role of the "doula"?

We reinforce the mother, we offer her support, we build confidence in herself and her abilities, in her wisdom. Our job is to accompany and empower.

So far the first part of this interview with doula Carolina Ferro. Tomorrow we will continue and talk with her about "doulas" and midwives and also about what "doula" contributes to the improvement of primary health.

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