What is bottle caries?

We have talked about the high frequency of childhood caries and we mentioned a type of caries known as "bottle caries", on which we want to deepen.

Bottle caries is the destructive process of the tooth that takes place as a result of the demineralization of the dental surface because bacteria feed on the remains that remain in the teeth.

Bacteria do not act in five seconds but need their time, the longer the period in which the teeth are uncleaned, the more likely they are to cause tooth decay.

Babies accustomed to falling asleep with a bottle in their mouth They are more likely to develop tooth decay, since their teeth are not cleaned for a long period of time and ingredients such as maltose, glucose, sucrose and lactose can cause tooth decay.

These are components of milk but also of fruit juices or sweetened infusions. Children who already have their first teeth and spend a lot of time with the bottle (or special cups with mouthpiece) in the mouth can see how tooth enamel is damaged and decay develops. Nor should the pacifier be smeared with sweet substances.

The name "bottle caries" does not mean that the bottle is responsible but that it is the sugar contained in the liquids. If those sugary liquids are taken in a glass or wet in a pacifier, we could be talking about the same type of caries.

Even as there is lactose in the breast milk (the sugar it contains), it is susceptible to decay, usually in combination with other foods, although Under no circumstances is breastfeeding advised against since it brings innumerable benefits, among others and even paradoxically, prevent tooth decay.

This is because it contains enzymes and immunoglobulins that inhibit the growth of the bacteria that cause tooth decay. Breast milk tends to decrease bacterial growth and acid production.

But ultimately, a baby who only breastfeeds may also have cavities if certain circumstances occur (to a lesser extent than if they take a bottle). But by itself breastfeeding does not have a determining role in the onset of tooth decay.

To avoid bottle decay, do not let the child spend a lot of time with the bottle (as a toy throughout the day, with juices ...) or sleep with him. To clean the baby's teeth, pass a gauze or a special brush through the teeth before bedtime, in this way the remains of the substances that can cause tooth decay are cleaned.

Video: Baby Bottle Tooth Decay - Boys Town Pediatrics (July 2024).