Having more than three children could increase the risk of heart attack

A pregnancy produces many changes in the woman's body, and one of them is that it increases the blood volume that the heart must move. These cardiovascular changes could somehow affect the body of women and a study presented at the 63rd Scientific Meeting of the American College of Cardiology Seeks to answer this.

According to the researchers, Women who give birth to four or more children are at greater risk of heart disease, conclusion that they extracted after studying 1,644 women with an average age of 45 years.

Study Data

For the study, they measured the level of calcium in the coronary arteries (CAC) and the thickness of the aortic wall (AWT). They saw that the women who had given birth to four or more children had worse levels of CAC and AWT. Both things increase the risk of heart problems.

Dr. Monila Sanghavi, lead author of the study, said the following:

The results of our study show that the changes associated with pregnancy could give an idea of ​​the future risk of cardiovascular disease in women. Pregnancy has been defined as the stress test of nature for some reason.

But they also saw it in women without children or with only one

Apparently, that same risk was also seen in women who had not had children or who had only one. In the study they did not deepen to know the cause of this, but they suspect that in them the reason could be some underlying cause that prevented them from having the first or second of the children and that this cause could increase the risk of heart disease.

What are we then?

If having four or more children increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and having none or a child too, it seems that the ideal is to have two or three children, since they are the women of the study that have less risk. However, the researchers wanted to highlight that the last thing that should be extracted from their study is that having two or three children is better than having one, four or none, because they only wanted to see if pregnancies could affect health in any way Future of the heart.

In principle it seems so, because from four children the risk of heart disease increases. However, why do those with only one child have more risk than those with two? They talk about an underlying cause, but can't women with more than four children also have an underlying cause? Come on, that for me the thing is a bit in the air, in the absence of more studies that confirm the theory. In addition, I do not believe that couples now limit themselves to having a maximum of three children to avoid these risks. In fact, those who limit themselves, who are the majority, and now as a rule do not even reach the three children, I think they do it rather for an economic and personal choice.