The photos that we carry on the phone and that digital natives see

At home the little one has no phone mobile or smartphone Because it is clear that if you want a mobile phone that has to be a smartphone. In any case I do not rule out that, as you have other mobile devices at your fingertips to connect and use applications, perhaps a key phone, without a touch screen, is enough to be able to feel connected to your friends as you grow. The key is the güasap, the latest fashion application that everyone uses while turning his head until his chin touches his chest (see image), especially among teenagers, although it also happens to some older people. And while this application is the leader in communication all children and adolescents need it to be in touch.

So for now, and to connect with your friends, I have added the contacts of your friends on the mobile phone. That way sometime, and always in my presence, I can see who he talks to, the things he says and how long he uses the mobile phone. The problem is what happens with the rest of contacts with whom I share information and with whom a habitual way of doing it is by sending images. Because, in which group is there not a person who generates content that is inappropriate for children to see? Well that's what happens when my daughter starts to go around for other conversations or, as digital natives do with any device and time to do it, they find content that is capable of blushing at you rather than at them.

So you have to have Be careful with the mobile phone that we leave to the kids because immediately they will find images that will get their attention and that they will teach others. And it is not bad to review the content periodically or negotiate with them and encourage them to erase the images that although they attract attention do not provide much. That way we have the phone clean while they learn to use it and discover new features that will explain later delighted.

And to finish a reflection, because I imagine that I am not the only one to whom this happens, and that is this way of using the phone also has a responsibility We were commenting the other day at home. You have to check periodically what content is exchanged between the kids and stay out of the conversations. Especially educate, reason and hold responsible for the use of the mobile phone and avoid participating in conversations that neither come nor come to us and that the kids are able to solve themselves.

Video: This song makes me cry! The Last of the Mohicans THE BEST EVER! by Alexandro Querevalú (July 2024).