Fruit porridge: a matter of patience

A lot of patience is what you have to have if that crucial step from exclusive milk feeding to the introduction of porridge It's not as easy as we expected ...

New flavors and smells, new textures, new swallowing mechanism ... it's a whole new world for babies, and they need to adapt to their rhythm. Surely if we elders suddenly changed our usual foods and our way of eating we would also find some difficulty ...

At 6 months (plus one week to be exact) I began to introduce complementary feeding in my baby's diet, and while with the vegetable and meat porridge there has been no problem, the difficulties have come in the afternoon, with The fruit porridge.

And that when trying the fruits in small quantities separately did not disgust anything, but when mashed in porridge there was no way. Our pediatrician gave us several possibilities if the initial formula of pear, banana, apple, with a little orange juice and milk did not work.

We have tried them all, and even others more referred to different potitos. Fruit to fruit alone, different combinations of 2 and 3 fruits, without milk, with cereals in greater and lesser quantity, liquefied fruit in a bottleā€¦ and even different spoons.

The usual has been arcades, sealed lips, "pedreretas" as the only way to spit, crying ... So it was not a matter of forcing too much, although every day we tried a little, and casting imagination to invent new dances and their favorite songs and toys to entertain her but the amount of fruit (and vitamins, minerals, water and fiber that accompany it) that I took every day was minimal.

Until we have reached some ecological pots that we talked about here, the Carrefour brand. It is not that you eat these little pots with greediness and pleasure, but something very important is that they no longer give arches (perhaps because they are less acidic than other combinations) and occasionally open the mouth voluntarily.

This has been my momentary "solution", because later I would like to try the natural fruit again, and surely other parents had their own tricks for babies to get to eat fruit and thus receive all the necessary benefits for their body .

In all this process that has lasted more than a month, every day I have been controlling his bowel movements and any changes that could be in the baby in case there was any kind of intolerance, something that fortunately has not occurred.

But if there is something important in this process of introducing porridge and purees, in this step to the spoon, and sometimes it seems that we will not achieve, it is keep calm, put ourselves in the baby's place, don't force but at the same time be constant and try every day, try the possible combinations within the right foods for a baby of this age.

A lot of patience, let the baby adapt, consult the pediatrician as many times as necessary, and finally the normal thing is that the little ones begin to accept the fruit, once they get used to the taste and smell, and they will even enjoy it more ahead. It has to be a great satisfaction for a child to ask you for fruit to accompany the meals!

Video: Rainbow Valley by Lucy Maud Montgomery. Full Audiobook with subtitles (July 2024).