The use of 3D audiovisual technology by children under 13, should be moderated

The National Agency for Health, Food, Environment and Labor Safety (ANSES) in France, has issued uses recommendations related to possible risks associated with the use of 3D audiovisual technology. It is not a new issue, and there seems to be no definitive studies in one way or another, although prudence is always a good guide in life.

These recommendations refer - as you can imagine - to the use of such technology by children, and in particular it is intended to alert against prolonged exposure in minors, being completely discouraged for children younger than six.

As you know, for a few years, there is a moderate concern on the part of some entities, they are mostly private initiatives, such as Nintendo (if you have the 3DS at home and have read the instructions you will know), or Varilux. It always matches in the exposure avoidance in infants and very young children, because the eye muscles are still developing.

Symptoms that can cause audiovisual technology

ANSES has analyzed the scientific literature in this regard, identifying some symptoms that could be associated with the exposure we are talking about: fundamentally it results in visual fatigue due to a conflict known as convergence / accommodation, and in fact people who have complained of various uncomfortable symptoms, did so alluding to that fatigue or dizziness.

It seems that when we look, and to perceive the depth, the eyes converge towards the same object, and at the same time they accommodate (accommodate) and they do everything at the same distance from the object. But the stereoscopic technique does not respect the physiological principle, since the eyes perform these two functions at a different distance from an object that is actually a 3D image.

In addition to fatigue, it can occur periocular pain, dry eyes, blurred vision, or extraocular disorders (headaches, neck, back and shoulders), as well as difficulty concentrating. And although it is not sufficiently described and studied, there are also risks related to the appearance of vertigo or an altered perception of the environment

In young children (less than six), the conflict between convergence / accommodation may cause health risks to the eyes, due to the lack of maturation.

What advice can we give you?

Following the ANSES line, we remember that the use of 3D audiovisual technology in children under six years of age is completely discouraged; also in children under 13, moderate use should be made, for which the parents should set limits, and at the same time be alert to the symptoms.

In case of presenting any type of discomfort after having been playing with the console in 3D mode, it will be necessary to consult an ophthalmologist. further the screen should not be too close (to reduce tension in the visual system) and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

The manufacturers of this technology must also respect the existing technical recommendations to produce quality content safely

The French entity calls on health professionals to contact families that have children, so that they are able to offer these tips in consultations or outreach activities.

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