Diastasis after pregnancy (video)

The vertical muscles of the abdominal wall, called "straight muscles," separate during pregnancy to make room for the uterus. This separation of the abdominal muscles is called diastasis and it is common in pregnancy, especially in women who have already had several children.

The muscular separation alters the appearance of the abdomen, which acquires large volume in the postpartum, since the muscles do not join spontaneously. But attention, because some exercises badly performed or intense after childbirth could cause a worsening of this diastasis.

And it is not just an aesthetic problem, since the diastasis causes a displacement of the internal organs and can lead to the woman suffering discomfort in the lower back, weakness in the pelvic floor, heavy digestions ...

In most cases, diastasis recti usually heals spontaneously, although it lasts a long time after the woman gives birth. But depending on each person the recovery will be more or less slow.

Exercise can help improve the condition, but classic abs are contraindicated at first. In some cases, an umbilical hernia may occur.

If pain occurs, surgery may be necessary, this is what the video tells us, although it does not comment that there are others diastasis solutions alternative to surgery, which would be necessary only in extreme cases of diastasis (with hernia ...).

Here we leave the link to another video that indicates how the diagnosis is made. It is best to consult your gynecologist or midwife, or go to a physiotherapist to advise you how to achieve the closure of the abdominal muscles without aggravating diastasis after pregnancy.

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