Creativistories: short stories to share reading with children

Reading is a habit to instill in our children since they are young. We must try to teach them to enjoy it and allow them to discover for themselves the pleasure of reading. To do this, we have to read with them, read them and tell them stories as frequently as possible.

I want to introduce you Creativistories, a site with a series of short stories written by a father who created and told these stories to his children when they were little. They are stories that cover universal themes that transcend time, fashions or trends, ideal for sharing reading with children.

The author of the stories is Juan Pablo Fuenzalida Betteley, a 52-year-old Chilean writer and father of two children, now 16 and 18, who has been told hundreds of stories when they were young. He kept those stories for years in his memory and decided to write them, so that other parents can tell them to their children.

The catalog of stories is divided into categories (from 2 to 4 years old, from 5 to 7 years old and from 8 to 100 years old) and, being short, they can be read in just five minutes before they fall asleep. It is a beautiful custom that you can start incorporating every night.

To open your mouth, you have free stories available for all ages on the Creativistories website. If you want to buy them, you will find a series of titles, also classified by age, at very affordable prices (in dollars).

Video: Imaginative boy blames his pillow for his bad dreams. (July 2024).