What happens when pediatricians are missing?

Waiting rooms collapsed, babies crying, parents and children who get impatient ... is the stamp of any health center, especially if it is a time of flu. A sample of what pediatricians are missing. It is an old claim of Pediatric societies and families, which are the ones that most notice the effects of the cuts and poor planning in the health field.

Although scientific societies indicate that the quota of children to be carried by a pediatrician should not exceed one thousand, in Spain, according to data from the Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care (Sepeap), this figure is exceeded (and It is not just a problem of this country). But that figure is not a whim and has a reason for being. Why, What happens when pediatricians are missing?

The Scientific Societies of Pediatrics and experts recommend, in a documented manner, a quota of 800 children per Pediatrician, which should be the ideal goal to dedicate at least 10 minutes to each patient. Reality points out that many times you can only spend five minutes, obviously insufficient time.

The care overload It has several consequences that do not benefit anyone (I imagine that except for administrations that pay doctors' salaries directly). This happens both in the consultations determined by the child's age (the revisions) and in the specific consultations for health problems.

  • The integral approach of the child is renounced, that is, for example, in routine visits, to the necessary attention on all aspects of their health.

  • This is because the time dedicated to each child is reduced. It is not something new, the phrase made of "visiting the doctor" when that visit has been very short comes from afar ... But the time is reduced the more overload there is. As we have seen, more than ten minutes are necessary for an integral exploration and for the accompanying parents to intervene, both responding to the pediatrician's questions and exposing their own doubts and concerns. However, the increase in the number of children assigned to pediatricians means that they have to spend less than ten minutes each.

  • The economy of time favors the medicalization of the health problems presented in the consultation.

  • In rural areas it is possible for family doctors to care for children (although they have received specialized training). In any case, aware of their own limitations, they will act accordingly and take the necessary measures if circumstances surpass them.

As we see the saturation in the consultations has a great disadvantaged, the children, that despite the efforts run the risk of not being treated with the necessary depth.

In spite of this, it is necessary to recognize the interest that the majority of professionals put so that the quality of care is adequate and minimize the previous consequences. You, Do you notice the effects of the lack of pediatricians with your children? What is the situation in your place of residence?

Video: Changes in Pediatrics (June 2024).