Will you take your children to see some Holy Week procession? the question of the week

Next week begins Holy Week and throughout the Spanish geography and for many others the famous Holy Week processions will be celebrated. Regardless of their marked religious character, processions have already become part of our tradition and in many cases, they have even become a tourist attraction for the beauty of their carvings and steps.

For all this today we ask:

Will you take your children to see some Holy Week procession?

Last week we asked you What brand of diapers would you recommend? And these have been your best answers:

  • maribel.ortega.562 told us:

    No doubt those of Lidl, show that quality is not always linked to a high price, I recommend them. Zero leaks, no smell and no allergic reaction in my case.

  • Martin told us:

    We started with the reusable Pop-In (they are great), but a year we had to leave them for eczema on the skin. Then we move on to the Toujours de Lidl. And now we use the Carrefour. Without doubt the best. Thinner, softer and cheaper!
  • besosdemami told us:
    We use Carrefour's. In the comparison of the OCU also did not go wrong. We do not have a nearby Lidl to be able to regularly buy those of its white label (which we tested and also liked them a lot). Carrefour's are thin, without leaks and odorless (less than Dodot's, which smelled a bit of chemical). And the price is pretty good, especially if we take advantage of a 3x2 offer or similar! The white Mercadona brand (Deliplus) are much fatter but smell and absorbency are good too.
  • Video: Holy Week processions in Popayán (June 2024).