The teacher who calms the crying of a student's baby ... and continues the class with him in his arms

Too bad if a conference or a workshop is offered that we really want to go to and we can't because we have a baby. Because we think that it is not a suitable place, because maybe the rest of the attendees will get upset, because… Let's not talk about expanding studies, which require continuity and an even greater effort. But it is possible to continue training, especially if you have the support of those around you. How this teacher who did not hesitate to calm the crying of a student's baby and continued to give his class with him in his arms.

Yesterday we commented that motherhood takes away time that we dedicate to ourselves, in this case in relation to relaxation, personal care, sports ... But, of course, continuing to train is also a valuable time that we do not always have. Try to combine, reconcile, make bobbin lace and, why not? Yes you can study.

There are mothers who graduate from the University and appreciate the support to continue their studies, such as this one that encouraged other women in a graduation photo breastfeeding their baby (who is also not an only child).

I love gestures of this kind because they show us that motherhood does not mean we have to give up everything else, because it encourages us to answer "why?" To those who tell you, when you are going to be a mother: the study is over (reading, traveling, playing sports ...).

The teacher, Sydney Engelberg, teaches the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and it is not surprising that it has become a reference for many fathers, mothers and women around the world, who see an example of good work and good hands with children! Because he calmed the baby and followed the class as if nothing, to the surprise of those attending this conference on organizational management. The mother's first reaction when her baby began to cry was to leave class and her content would have been lost had it not been for the teacher's gesture.

This man's daughter, Sarit Fishbaine, has shared the image on his Facebook profile and it has run like wildfire, being shared thousands of times and with many comments that praise the teacher's gesture. He is used to having mothers among his students, since he teaches a postgraduate master's degree, and encourages them to go to class with their babies and breastfeed them right there.

Her daughter says she loves babies and children, that she has five grandchildren and that without a doubt that gesture of holding the baby in his arms and continuing with his class, allowing the mother to continue in the classroom, it was a wonderful lesson in organizational management. I think so too, so ... a round of applause for this teacher and a lot of encouragement to all those mothers who want to continue training. Let's see if you can also lower the rates of higher education and facilitate access to more people!

Photos | iStockPhoto and Buzzfeed
In Babies and more | A woman publishes a photo breastfeeding at graduation to motivate mothers to study