15 Christmas gift ideas for children who are not toys

The first thing that comes to mind when we have to give a gift to a child are toys. But there can be many reasons not to make these kinds of gifts and yet the little ones are very happy, maybe more? Surely, many times. Why today We propose 15 gift ideas for children that are not toys.

Especially if the quota of toys is already covered (by family gifts) and we do not want to have an excessive number of games that may end up in the trunk earlier than we imagined, it is convenient to have other alternatives, "plans B" that they They will love it. No one better than the daddies to know the tastes of children, surely among these ideas there is more than one that suits what your child enjoys more.

Give a costume

From Elsa or Ana, from Olaf, from Spiderman, from Superman, from Mickey, from Minion… Children don't like anything better than putting themselves in the shoes of their favorite superheroes and characters and even if they don't need a costume for it since it costs them nothing to blow their imagination, to be able to dress like them is the bomb! In addition, the advantage is that for this time of year costumes do not cost as much to find as in Carnival and hopefully we can buy them cheaper.

In Babies and more, what to give for Christmas? The most recommended toys for each age

Craft Material

One of the activities children enjoy most is do crafts with your daddies. In the market there are sets of manual works for all tastes: painting, to create collages, sculpture, plasticine, threads, jewelry, origami ... We just have to think about what our child likes to do and look for the suitable material. Of course, you have to look for moments to make crafts with them! The results will delight you.

Books for children should not be missing

It is a gift that I miss in children's birthdays and that I always worry about carrying. Books have a lot to offer our children They begin to discover new unlimited worlds through pictures and words. Here we remind you of some essential titles about Christmas for kids and what are the best books for young children, even since they are babies: it's never too early to start loving books!

A personalized story

We can do a homemade version of a personalized story or develop it thanks to the different formats that are sold online. The fact is that we need a good argument, good illustrations and above all that the story is personalized, that the small reader or listener feels protagonist of the story.

One of popcorn and the cinema

In the days that run going to the movies has become an "extra" for special occasions. The billboard at Christmas is filled with family titles And it can be a good opportunity to enjoy a movie together. A voucher to go to the movies one of these vacation days is a great idea. "Coco, the little dragon", "Carlitos and Snoopy", "The Snow Queen", "Paper planes" or "The secret of Amila" are some of the titles that can scare the kids.

In Babies and more, what to give to children for Christmas? Follow the four gift rule

A play or a musical

We continue with cultural gifts, this time going to see a play or a children's musical. Special events are scheduled in many locations and city theaters have works for children. Some are free, but for most we will have to make a certain financial outlay. Of course, it will be worth seeing their faces of illusion when they contemplate the representation ... Among the most demanded and most successful works are "The Lion King", "The Jungle Book", "The Wizard of Oz" ...

Give a special excursion

Do you always leave that special excursion for another weekend? Is there a museum, a mountain, a destination that your son is longing for? Do not delay it anymore, this holiday can be the ideal time to go and surprise it. A voucher to make that special all-inclusive excursion It will delight the child and you will have a great day (or a few days if the plan is longer) with your family.

Small gourmets

A voucher to eat at your favorite restaurant, to taste your favorite food or go to that place that is always on the "pending" list because it has to be for a special occasion. If you don't go out to a restaurant every weekend, it will be an unforgettable moment for them. And if we can get the whole family together or go with some friends, even better!

Renewing the closet

Ok, the clothes may not be what the children put in the letter to the Kings. But what if they need slippers, pajamas or a coat? The best thing is that we investigate a little to see how they would like them to be and give them a surprise. If we choose an original design or prints with your favorite characters, it will be a sure success. I already tell you that Frozen pajamas and slippers are the ones that parade the most since last year ...

Renewing the school bag

Will you think, school supplies as a Christmas gift? Well, I loved it! To be able to renew that shattered listening, that broken backpack or those markers that no longer paint It is not any gift. And if we also want to buy material that has a beautiful design, even with your favorite characters, surely on January 7 the return to school will not be so hard.

Renovating the children's room

The children's room is a space where they spend a lot of time and sometimes not only to sleep: it is a playroom, study, reading ... Maybe the time has come to renew the quilt, to buy a desk or a lamp. The decoration of the room to the taste of the kids is very fun and has many possibilities.

Give an instrument

It is the time for small artists and to take the big step. If your child likes music, I probably asked you for an instrument. You may also have a toy instrument and love to make it sound. So, give him the instrument (for children, basic range; there will be time to evolve if the hobby continues) is a good idea. Of course, better for children from five years, which is when they have clearer their tastes in this regard. For the little ones, we will continue with the toy instruments. And do not take risks if you do not know which is the most appropriate musical instrument for your child. A different option, which unites the music and crafts we have mentioned above, is to make instruments with recycled objects.

One camera of photos

Children are very excited have your own camera and luckily today we can find quite affordable digital cameras. Of course, better this gift for older children if we do not want the camera to suffer any mishap before the hour ...

A family photograph

A great idea is to print a picture of the child or family and place it in an original frame, to decorate your room, hang it on the wall ... Essential condition: that the frame is colorful and modern or decorated with the children's characters that you like most . There are also frames prepared for children to decorate, so they can do their crafts.

To move with your favorite sport!

There are many gifts that are not toys for small athletes, from sportswear equipment to a bicycle, through balls, baskets ... A gift that promotes healthy habits and to which we, as good examples, will have to join.

A "bonus track" in this list of gifts for children that are not toys: The best gift for your child is you. Spend time with our children, playing with or without toys, telling stories, walking, playing sports ... There are many ways to share time with them and they will enjoy it more than any other gift.

Also remember that for children it does not matter the number of toys but how they play with them, and that many gifts can cause the value of what they have to be lost, so you have to control especially on these dates the amount of presents that they receive so as not to suffer a little responsible avalanche.

Less toys and more practical and useful objects for the daily life of the children, can be a solution, also for the times that we are not to waste. Therefore, we hope you are 15 gift ideas for children that are not toys you find some to put into practice with your children. Surely if you have tried on other occasions, you will know that their little faces of joy have nothing to envy to those who put when they receive toys.

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In Babies and more | Toys: choose the one that suits you according to age, The 10 mistakes you should never make when making a gift