The eight things you can do to make your baby sleep fatally and become a mombie

A few months ago we explained what a mombie is, with a lot of characteristics that define it, in what is a state that many mothers arrive without wanting and, many others, for not knowing very well how to avoid it.

If you still don't have dark circles like the girl in the picture and want to get it, don't miss today's tips. And if you want to avoid it, too, because you may be carrying them out: The eight things you could do to make your baby sleep fatally and become a mombie.

1. Tired it a lot for the day

Do not let him sleep during the day, that he is tired, that he arrives at night falling asleep, that he has slept little ... surely many people have already given you this advice, which is perfect to make you sleep worse and worse.

Maybe they tell you with another intention, so that they sleep better, but it is unlikely to work that way, so if you want to be a mombie you are on the right track doing this, and now I tell you why: Have you ever exercised before bed? Because if you've done it you'll know that it's hard to fall asleep later. How do you sleep the days you get exhausted to bed? You fall asleep right away but then you have a pretty restless dream, right? Well, babies are the same. If they arrive past the thread because you put them to bed late, or tired because you have tried to arrive in that state, they are very likely to sleep badly.

2. Let me cry

Similarly, a great method to get the baby to sleep poorly is let me cry for the day, or what is more commonly known as "do not take it, which is customary". Letting him cry we get more nervous time, that he starts to activate the brain centers that are responsible for causing the fight or flight mechanisms and that instead of feeling calm, confident and safe, feel threatened.

This restlessness during the day also happens at night and the baby wakes up more often because he thinks he should be alert. In other words: in the absence of a caregiver who makes him feel safe (he cries and is not treated), the baby takes the initiative and decides to be himself who is attentive to possible dangers.

3. Stimulate him before bed

This is done very well by parents who work until the afternoon and when they arrive they want to greet their baby. They catch him, they tell him how precious he is, they lift him up in the air, they tell him things that make him active and, in short, they stimulate him when he might be catching the dream.

I've always sinned about this, when I arrived I wanted to be with my children, so I used to brown it ... then the baby didn't want to sleep. And of course, what happens is that they just "screwed up", which we want then to fall asleep when they have returned to espabilar, they are even more tired and then not only does it cost twice as much as they sleep but they also sleep worse.

4. Invite the family to be caught for the day

That they come to visit you during the day, and as in the photo, they are used to see you, touch you and talk to you as if it were a fairground attraction or similar. Take it, let it go from arms to arms, let there be heat, noise and much happiness in the environment. All this the baby returns to his parents at night in the form of tears and nerves, as a result of what he has received during the day.

5. Give him a bath (if he doesn't like it)

They do nothing but tell you that the ideal is to give them a bath to relax and there are babies that what they do is get even more nervous. Because they don't like to bathe and cry, or because they like it so much that they get like motorcycles, you have to they leave the bathtub with their eyes much more open than how they entered. If the intention is that, do not hesitate to bathe it the later, the better.

6. Let him fall asleep crying

Great advice to get you to sleep badly. If he falls asleep crying he falls asleep, tired, and falls asleep from exhaustion, for not having been treated, because you can't cry forever ... It is the same as what we have talked about in the previous tips: the more overwhelmed, anxious and worried you sleep, the worse you will sleep. But beware ... if you do it every night, and with some assiduity, your son can enter a state of "ok, I have already realized that you are not going to listen to me, that I am alone in this and that you are not going to attend ", and that what happens is the opposite, that he learns that although he asks for help, he will not get it (here every mother and father must decide if he wants his son to feel attended or not).

7. Set the heating as if it were summer

"I just read that the house has to be at 24 degrees." Well, it depends. If being at 24 degrees means that you are all very hot, it is clearly not the ideal temperature. And less if you then go and put on a very fat pajamas and plant a blanket over it. But as what we are looking for is not ideal, let it be warm, sweat, be uncomfortable, feel that you will start doing photosynthesis and you will have a lot of cattle: safe dark circles the next day, and those that reach the chin.

8. Feed him to be filled to the flag

As if there was no tomorrow, as if his life depended on him drinking a few more ml of milk, as if he were going to spend two weeks without eating again. Do the possible and the impossible to make it come to night with a full stomach and diaphragm high up. I almost can't even breathe. As if it were Christmas dinner. That I do not talk about breastfeeding or bibe on demand, that is normal; I speak of giving him the biggest bottle that fits him, and if it can be with cereals, and if you also manage to get some porridge with the spoon, I won't even tell you.

The fuller the worse your digestion, the more restless will sleep and the same until you get to vomit milk ... if one of those gives you go out to the street you will make a magnificent duet: the mombie and the vomiting baby. Surely people run to see you.

Video: Eight Things You Need to Know to Get Ready for the New Season! - Chicago Fire Digital Exclusive (July 2024).