If you breastfeed while receiving a flat tire, you will cry less (about 38 seconds less)

We had already talked about the magical effect of "tetanalgesia", the World Health Organization made it official last year including breastfeeding in recommendations for childhood vaccination and now a study once again emphasizes the beneficial effects of the baby breastfeeding while receiving a puncture.

Specifically, the WHO Expert Group on Strategic Advice on Immunization (SAGE) included in the guidelines to reduce pain and fear caused by vaccination the convenience of breastfeeding infants during vaccination or immediately after . But there are other times when the baby can get punctures, such as blood draws, heel testing ... and in all those moments, if he is sucking, he will cry less.

This is demonstrated by research conducted by experts from the University of Ottawa in Canada and published in the "Cochrane Library". They verified that breastfeeding distracts, comforts and calms babies, because the endorphins in breast milk would act as analgesics.

Specific, Breastfeeding babies while being punctured reduces crying time by an average of 38 secondsAccording to scientists, something that could encourage some mothers to take their children on time to receive preventive vaccines.

In Babies and more WHO makes it official: it recommends breastfeeding babies while receiving vaccinations

The study combined the results of six investigations, involving 547 babies up to the age of 12 months. The authors said the findings could be used to make crucial, less traumatic vaccines for babies and fathers, no doubt many mothers already know instinctively the power to breastfeed the little ones at these painful times.

The scientists found that breastfeeding was more effective in reducing pain than feeding the baby with water or a solution of sweet sugar, or with extracted breast milk. Babies who were breastfed cried for 2 minutes and 14 seconds when they received the injection while babies who were not breastfed cried for almost 3 minutes.

In general, the children who were breastfed cried 38 seconds less. They also scored an average of 1.7 points less on a pain score scale, based on facial expressions and behavior of the little ones.

For researchers, it is not just a matter of distraction or food. Breastfeeding comforts the baby, reduces pain by being in skin-to-skin contact with the mother, feeling her heartbeat, heat, smell, having the pleasant taste of breast milk ... Endorphins or tryptophan, a natural amino acid that found in large quantities in breast milk, they can play an important role in reducing pain, although it is not known exactly.

In spite of everything, many health professionals would be putting obstacles to this action adducing its little practicality. It is really hard to understand, with how manageable babies are and how easy they are breastfed in almost any position once breastfeeding is established. In addition, it is a free "trick", which does not require any special equipment or additional training.

We, we insist, breastfeeding is good for everything, there are no less indicated times to breastfeed the baby and if with that, in addition, We manage to suffer less and cry less, even a few seconds, is not enough reason to try?

Video: Launch Control: Turning a Corner - Episode (July 2024).